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I Feel Very Aware

This morning I had to attend a Speed Awareness Course on a Zoom. We were told it started at 7:45am and advised to log on at 7:30am. did as I was told only to be advised I would be sat in the "waiting room" until 8am for it to start. What the hell do I need to be sat there for half an hour for?? Stupid waste of my time I could have been doing stuff around the house.

The course itself was pretty good and I did learn a few things like how to recognise when a road is or isn't a dual carriageway (which was how I got done for speeding). I had mistakenly thought it was a dual carriageway as I came off a normal road so started to speed up and was doing 36mph in a 30 stretch :-/

It went by pretty quickly and before I knew it the time was 10:30 and it was all over. Spent the rest of the day making appointments and catching up on admin. After my chat with Alexa, it also made me realise that I need to have a budget and know what I am being paid each month. Currently, I pay Rachel on a set day of the month but I just transfer money to my personal account as and when I need it. What I am going to do is start having the same payday as Rachel and pay myself based on what I actually earned the previous month on that day, rather than in dribs and drabs. I also need to work out what bills come out of my business account to make sure I leave enough in each month. I want to get in front with my money and not rely on my credit cards :-/ Watch this space. :-)

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