I did my theory exam this morning for my PADI qualification and I passed with 98%. I'm a bit gutted that I got 1 question wrong though. I second-guessed myself and didn't go with my first answer and changed my mind. Oh well.
I'm just glad that bit is over as I hate studying for exams. Even though my recall skills are quite good from having to learn lines at Theatre Workshop, I feel under pressure in exam situations and start doubting what Ive remembered.
Roll on Lanzarote for the practical part now.

Today was also quite a sad day. I hardly watch the news but made an effort to have it on all day today as The Royal Family had been called to windsor castle as medical professionals were concerned about the queens health. At 6:35pm it was announced that The Queen had Died this afternoon. Bless her she was 96 and had was still doing her Royal Duties until recently.
Already I have seen a few disrespectful posts on Facebook. I'm no and have never really been a royalist but regardless of your views, this is s person and someone's mum, or grandparent that has passed away and I don't think it's too much for people to be respectful of that. People wouldn't go to someone's funeral and stand around slagging them off in front of their friends and family, yet for some reason because it's online, think it's acceptable.
We put a post into the Virtual Tavern and explained we would allow posts in but would turn off commenting as sadly people can't hold back negative comments about anything that devides opinion which includes politics and also The Royal Family. For 24 hours we have changed the facebook banner to this one.

Sleep tight Liz. x
In other news and I hate to admit it as I feel like I've failed, but I am thinking of going back on my antidepressants :-/ I've tried alternative remedies and keeping myself busy going to social events, meals with friends etc but I can just tell my mood is dipping and it will soon be dark mornings and dark nights which is just my worst time of year. So I am going to wait until I get back from my holiday and maybe arrnage to have a review with my doctor.
It might just be a blip so let's see if the sunshine and holiday boost my seratonin levels. I may come back feeling on top of the world? We can but hope eh lol.