Couldn't wait to wake up and start having a tinker about on Salesforce to see what else might be possible that I didn't know about. Found a way of creating email templates that can be used straight from inside salesforce. This will be a game changer as we can creat some templates that we can both sue and save ourselves time typing up from scratch. Plus it will automatically update the customer's records with the email. Result!
Cooked a pack of bacon and had mine before I headed out and left mums cooked in a tub for when she got up so she just needed to sort out her bread or toast.
The taste testing was for Kellogs as they are changing one of the recipes on one of their popular cereals (hush hush as always). It finished on time so left me exactly enough time to head into Manchester to meet Mike and Adele at the batting cages at Base Bar. You get a batting cage for half an hour for £30 and can have up to 5 people on your booking. It was really good fun and even though Mike beat us both it was just good doing some thing different from the normal weekend.
I've set myself the challenge of doing more stuff this year and not wasting my free time sat in the sofa all weekend or every night if the week. Even if it's just doing something one midweek night it stops getting into a rut.
Straight after that I popped to mums to feed the bird and then went to Boot to stock up on my vitamins and pick up the eye cream I go on £10 Tuesday. I didn't even know that was a thing, but Fi told me when we were on the PS4 so I ordered two lots as they should normally be £24.99 each, Bargain!
Me and mum watched dancing on ice and then watched the first episode of 'The Twelve' and then it was 10pm so had an early night ready for work tmrw.