Woke up at 5am and got straight up and read two chapters of this month's book whilst having my morning coffee. If I can manage two books this month that will make up for not reading one in Jan and I will be on target to read one a month for the year. Next it was onto my 'To Do List' including processing all the orders from yesterday. I wanted to get February's receipts done for my expenses but time seemed to run away from me and before I knew it it was 7am and time to start Yoga.
I think Bella is used to the routine now once she sees the mat come out she jumps up onto the sofa to watch everything lol. I would love it if she started doing the downward dog at the same time as me lol.
Straight after Yoga I walked Bell and then put a wash on so I could do the product test for the fabric softener that I had been sent to try. Then it was time for my first assignment before I started work and had to log onto zoom for a market research company to review a new look for the BBC News live feed page. It was quite interesting and wasn't even n hour.
Caught up on some admin and then I had to head over to Shaw with Kirsty to do a taste test on diet coke. It was longer than some as you had to wait 5 minutes between each of the 4 samples you tried so it dragged it out a bit longer. Put the cash in my holiday jar thought as it all mounts up that way. If it just went into my wallet I would spend it and see nothing for it. Having money for holiday spends makes it more worthwhile and feels like free money for yer hols when it comes around.
Straight after that, we picked mum up and headed into Manchester as all 3 of us were booked onto a KFC taste test. We had to try 3 different zinger burgers and give out feedback on which we liked best. Kirsty loved it and would have stayed all day if she could lol.
By the time I got home I was still stuffed so didn't need any dinner. I just managed to catch the sun going down and pulled over quick to take a picture. Had a chill for a bit with Bella then caught up with Fi over a few games of Call of Duty.
