I received a text late last night from this morning's appointment to cancel as she wasn't feeling well so I had some admin to catch up on and also sort out a Tesco shop for delivery tomorrow. I normally go into the shop but I am test-driving a new platform we have signed The Virtual Tavern up to that will hopefully help us generate funds for the tavern at no cost to the members. I can't wait to launch it later this month. I've been getting some friends to sign up ahead of the launch to see how it works etc. Also, I will know the answers to any questions people may have when it goes live.
Took my baby out for a walk just before the weather took a turn for the worse and started raining. She isn't keen on the rain, even when I open the door to let her out for a pee she just turns back around and comes back in, bless her.
I tried my ginger juice today, JEEEESSUUUSSS it was spicy as hell. Then when I looked at the Starbucks bottle I kept from my 'ginger shot' it was something like 78% Apple Juice and 18% ginger so no wonder it tasted so strong. It's really potent so I think it's going to last me a while. I also added some apple juice to my shopping list to dilute mine with for next time I try it.
I'm going to try and have a healthy shake for breakfast for a while so that I can get some extra fruit and nutrients in me first thing in the morning. I've ordered some bags of different frozen fruit on my Tesco shop too so I have lots in stock without the waste. Always handy too for a quick crumble or fruit compote.
Didn't venture out for the rest of the day so nothing really to report.
Boring Day Over and Out lol.