I just couldn't get my head off the pillow this morning and ended up staying in bed until 9am, even though I was wide wake at 5am and could have just gotten up. I really need to get out of this habit and go back to moving my watch and phone charger to the other side of the bedroom. That way when my alarm goes off I have to get out of bed to switch it off. Then once I am on my feet and up it will be easier to just get out of bed.
Had my ADHD assessment after breakfast for an hour and surprise surprise she confirmed what I already thought and that is I do in fact have ADHD but she said I seem to have found a lot of coping mechanisms over the years to help with some of the problems. Like how I have to put my keys in a certain pocket and then hang them in a specific place as soon as I get in the house or they could end up anywhere. She has recommended medication that should help balance the dopamine but it's very expensive through them so I am going to try for shared care so I can get my prescription through my doctor.

Went to Clitheroe to see a customer (and friend) Charlotte at Raffia. She sent me to fetch us both a frappuccino with it being so hot, but to say they were a disappointment would be an understatement. Caffe Nero seriously need to train its staff! Just been into Caffe Nero Clitheroe and asked for two Frappuccinos the guy filled the cups with milk, poured into a big jug, added 4 espressos and then two huge scoops of ice. Filled cups and threw away pretty much 70% of the jug. This would have been fine if they are happy to waste drinks but when I got back to the shop I was visiting you can clearly see most of the drink is froth. The drink poured down the sink should have been in these cups. I would have had a better drink if I’d requested the part thrown away! I would have walked back to complain but it was so hot I couldn’t be bothered to make the hike back. £4.10 for a cup of froth? Not impressed.
We decided not to do Christmas orders today as it was far too hot to even think about it so instead did some everyday top-ups and I am booked to go back in next Monday to do Christmas, early morning before it's too hot.

Made a lovely chicken ticket pitta for dinner with shredded cabbage, tomatoes, onion and lots of rocket with sweet chilli. sauce and mint yogurt. Lush!
Tried to calm it on the sweet stuff but still ended up having cake with some creamy custard, but then ended up finishing off the rest of the tub of custard, which was probably meant for. family of 4 :-/
One of the questions on my assessment was do I binge eat, ERRRR YEAH just a bit lol.
Once the sun started to go down and it was cooler I took Bella out for a walk on the farmlands at the bottom of the street.
Turned in early so I could get the blog done and then read a bit of my book in bed. I have moved my phone and watch charger to the other side of the bedroom so I have to get out of bed tomorrow to switch it off. Then once I'm up at 5am I will just jump in the shower and be up and ready.
G'night reader(s) lol