Woke up bright and breezy and did lots of stuff around the house. Text my customer to see what time she would want to see me today but then by the time I heard back I had already made a start on sorting out my expenses spreadsheet and really wanted to crack on with it. I know Heidi really well so just asked if I could rearrange to next week. I'm still not really feeling upbeat at the mo and don't know if I am worn out as I have had a few late nights where it has taken me hours to get off to sleep. and then still expecting myself to be up at 5am.

I made sure I was productive with my time though and packaged up lots of things that needed posting out, Three router (no use), Huge box of ringpulls for The Purple Community Fund, batteries from a product test that need returning and some cards to a pal. Nice to tick off lots of things from my To Do Lists.

Prepped a bolognese before bed so It had time to adsorb all the flavours and then I can finish it off tomorrow when mum comes up for tea.
The rest of the day was pretty MEH so short and sweet one.