The alarm went off at 5am and I jumped straight out of bed so my subconscious mind didn't have time to think of reasons not to get up. Made Bed, showered, dressed, breakfast, walked Bella, put a wash on and washed Bellas bed from the car. All before 6am
Next I started drafting up some more emails to potential customers who haven't ordered from us in a while. I didn't want to send them at 5/6am so set them to 'send later' (something I didn't even realise I could do). Every day's a school day.
Managed to fit in 3 customer visits today as they are all on the same street so had 2 scheduled appointments and one who I just said I would drop in on to give her eh current brochures.
David, the handyman has been at mine all day sorting out new pvc fascias and guttering for the shed so that it won't need painting and also won't rot. The roof had been cut too short so when the water rang down the roof it went straight down onto the fascias instead of running off the edge. It was dark by the time he finished so I will get some pics tomorrow when it's light (cos I know everyone is just dying to see hahahaha).
Started getting some replies from customers that I emailed yesterday and have booked in some appointments for new accounts. I LOVE being busy with work and really feel like I am going to go from strength to strength this year. Watch this space.
Where I would out of habit decide to have a glass of wine or something on a Friday, instead I had a healthy innocent smoothie with bubbles. I think sometimes there is a habitual side to drinking where you feel you want to wind down and have a glass in front of the telly. I didn't feel any different thought having a glass of juice with ice in a wine glass. The mind just thinks you deserve a treat as it's the end of the week.