Todrick Hall's new album was released today and I'd already pre-saved so had it as soon as I woke up at 5am. Needless to say, it didn't disappoint, I love it. It's 80's themed and you can definitely feel the influences like Prince, Cindy Lauper and one even has a Flashdance/footloose soundtrack vibe.
Michelle Delpiano picked me up at 10:30 and we headed over to David Johnson Funeral. The church was packed and there were even people stood up at the back as there wasn't enough room for everyone. The service was very religious which is not my thing as I always think it feels very impersonal. The best part was when Kelvin Fletcher said a few words and recalled some memories and David'isms that had everyone laughing. He held it together really well until the very last bit when his voice was starting to crack. I think it's probably easier to hold it together when you are reading other peoples words but as soon as it was his words at the end that's when he got emotional. It's the only funeral I have been to where as they took the coffin out to head to the cemetery the congration gave him a round of applause.
The wake afterwards was good as it was a chance to catch up with people from Workshop that I've not seen in ages. Also met some new people incluing a coupe called Mark and Paul who I had a right laugh with. One of them, Paul, almost won a million pounds on a heart radio competiion and lost right at the last minute byt choosing the qwrong bos :-/
I encounterged and agressive Octopus in the loo looking for a fight lol.
DKMS rang to follow up on my application for a Virtual Donar Drive. We can set a target and even have a mass swab even so people can log on and swab together and then have a drink? Also our own link that can be shared so we can see how many new sign-ups the Virtual Tavern have generated.I have to send them a few dates next week when I would be free for a zoom call.