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Don't ask for feedback if you don't really want it.

Writer's picture: Neil GreenwoodNeil Greenwood

Woke up nice and early and took Bella out for a walk while everything was quiet and still. Managed to catch the tail end of a sunrise. I love it when I see the colours int he sky and it makes "Rise at 5" worth while. Now the mornings are getting lighter it's so much easier to be up and out early and get a head start on the day.

Headed over to Knutsford for a sales meeting with one of our suppliers. To say it was frosty would be an understatement. I didn't mention any suppliers names in my recent blog about the way everyone handles direct enquiries/orders differently, but I am sure people know which camp they fall into by how they handle these themselves. It was suggested that I was full of my own self importance trying to tell people how to run their businesses and I should have maybe wrote it in the third person as if speaking about agents in general. I explained that I can't speak on behalf of other agents and the article was my truth which I stand by so happy to take any flack for it myself rather than try to put the blame on 'other agents'. If you missed the article it's on the link HERE .

It was also suggested that other suppliers may not want to work with us when we are so outspoken. Rachel interjected that we have actually never had so many offers from publishers asking to work with us, which put that fire out before it started. I have also had messages from other agents in the industry in support of what I wrote, so it's not only my opinions, I just happen to be the one who is happy to be upfront and vocal about it. That's what annoys me sometimes at sales meetings because if I am asked my opinions I voice it and usually end up looking like the trouble causer. Often people sit round the table nodding and agreeing then straight after the meeting moan or ring me saying "I can't believe, blah blah etc" and I think 'well why didn't you say something?". I have started going to meetings now with it in my head that I am just going to sit there and nod and smile as often people don't really want your feedback when they ask for it, they just want you to confirm that what they have said is correct. When you don't agree it's like you have just taken a dump on their lounge carpet. If you don't want feedback, don't ask for it, just say this is how it's going be moving forward, it's not open to negotiation and we really don't care what you think. Instead people often go to meetings having already made the decision about what they are going to do so are not entering the meeting with openness so get really defensive when you dare to challenge them or have a different opinion.

I think my problem is I am sometimes too honest and I just say what I think as I think it without dressing it up or working it through in my head first. I often have this conversation with people that when I say something there is never any hidden agenda or other motive. I'm not intelligent enough to think that far ahead, that's why I can't play chess. If you ask me something I usually answer before I have even assembled the words into a complete sentence so I definitely haven't had time to come up with a plan in the background. I'm not that complicated. I also don't only say things because they might benefit me in some way. I just like things done the best way possible and can't understand when other people don't. If there is a more efficient way to produce a report on a spreadsheet with formulas that add it all up for you, instead of hours of number crunching with a calculator, why would someone not want to do that?

Don't get me wrong I am far from perfect and don't profess to always be correct or know better then other people. I even look at how I do things and look for ways to improve them etc. In a world where none of us know how long we have on this planet, I hate doing mundane things when you could be doing something more exciting, so if I can spend less time doing shite then all the better. I love picking up life hacks from other people that can save time, because time is something you can never get back (that is unless they really do invent a time machine in the future). Speaking of the future I am always thinking about what things could be possible in the future, so might jot some of my ideas down so I can look back in years to come and say "I said that would happen". Just call me Neil Nostradamus LOL.

I remember mum telling me when I was a kid I said that one day people would have a picture on their wall and they would get their post delivered on a screen. this was long before email was even an idea. Get Mystic me lol.

Lynn popped round for a brew and it was good to have a catch up, it's been too long. She is now cabin crew so isn't available as much as she used to be, so it's hard to sync diaries. I know she will be good at it thought because she is always calm and rational in stressful situations.


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