Didn’t sleep very well last night for fear of missing my alarm I think.
Woke up around 7am and did the rest of my packing. Had some cereal and coffee for breakfast then went back to the room. Stripped my bed and bundled all the towels together in a pile and left a top for Fatima. She’s looked after me giving me extra bottles of water and coffee sachets bless her. Yesterday when a I knew I didn’t really need anything I saw her in the corridor and said good morning. She gestured could she clean my room, so did my artistic interpretation of cleaning and said ‘no it’s okay, just water’. We were a relationship based on few words but we both knew where we stood. She looked after me and I kept my own room tidy to save her a job lol. I even brought out the used towels and swapped her for new ones. She’ll be finishing early today and gettin herself down the bingo for sure :-)
All packed and I waited in the lobby for my transfer. Hadn’t heard back from Henry but I guessed it would be about 10:15am. By 10:45 my arse was twitching cos as yet no sign. Rang Henry but no answer I thought ‘don‘t you be going radio silent on mi now sunny Jim when it’s the last hurdle’. Anyway soon after he messaged back to say my transfer was 2:10pm. Errr unless that transfer was a plane I very much doubt it as I fly at 2pm! He quickly made arrangements for the driver to come to get me. 11:45 I was W route to the airport. I’m not really a flapper/stresser if I can help it. Once I’d dealt with the problem and knew the driver was on his way I just say in my phone playing games. I’m not in of them who constantly check’s his watch and paces up and down saying ‘ppffttt where is he’, ‘I’m gonna be late’. I don’t think it actually adds any value. Now if Eddie was still her it would be a different story. He gets himself all worked up and stressed even in the check-in queue he’s constantly looking down the queue saying ‘what’s the hold up’, ‘there’s not even anybody at the desk yet’. I just leave him to it Cos that’s how he deals with it. I on the other hand just enjoy the moment and patiently wait till I’m at the front of the queue. Nothing ever happens any quicker if you stress over.
You just make yerself stressed and have a bad experience. I arrive at the front of the queue at the same time as Eddie but just with a lot lower blood pressure lol. As I type this I’m about an hour behind schedule and will probably arrive at the airport at 1 pm instead of the ideal 12pm but what’s the worse that can happen? I miss my flight and get the next one. To be honest I’m more bothered about the fact that my driver seems to be all over the road as if he’s nodding off. He has literally just slammed on and nearly thrown me through the front Cos he was about to hit the van in front. All I could think was ‘not the veneers’ lol.
He must of been doing a long shift Cos he keeps drifting into other lines and getting beeped by other cars. Then his foot must come off the gas as the van slows down to almost a stop (on a motorway!!). Just asked him how much further it is, not because I really want to know but just to keep him awake. He said 10 minutes and then put his foot down. Hopefully, the speed will get his adrenaline going and he will keep his eyes open. Failing that it will be a pain-free crash as I will have less chance of survival at breakneck speeds as if I wasn’t on enough of a white knuckle ride he now decides 80miles an hour would be a good time to try and text whilst lighting up a cigarette.

Me in the brace position in the back of the minivan thing>>>>
I guess this blog will come in handy in the event of a fatal collision as it will explain who was at fault. Should help with the insurance claim so my mum gets looked after and speeds up the process of getting my body back home lol.
Just drove past another Arcelik shop. It must be big in Turkey :-/
Finally arrived at the airport in one piece and gave the driver and tip and told him to get himself a coffee. Before you went through to the check-in gates you had to queue and go through a baggage scanner and security. Once through I went straight to check-in, it is always good to ditch your case. Next through passport control and they didn’t give me a second look, I can't have changed THAT much then lol. As soon as I was through passport control there was another security scan and then on to the gates. Had to get mi skies on cos it said on the screens it was boarding. Got to the gate and it was just more queues. There were about 10 fellas post hair transplant on my flight, possibly more. Some looked like they had got done that day as still had blooded dressings on the back of their heads. Not sure I would fancy flying with my big pumpkin head as I would be worried about the extra pressure, but I'm guessing they looked into it. I just hope we don't have men's heads exploding during the flight. That would hold up the meal service for sure ;-)
Managed to get an end seat on a row of 4 and there were two empty seats in between me and a girl, who I later found out was from Barnsley. You know when you go into a room or a party and you instantly know you are going to get along with someone or end up talking to someone. 10 mins into the flight she asked me where I got my hair done and then we swapped surgery stories. She'd had a butt lift and lipo a few months ago but had come this time as her mate's companion for her surgery. Her mate had got a butt lift, boob job and lipo all in one go. She didn't seem in any pain but I couldn't help think how the hell she was able to sleep. She couldn't lay on her back cos of her ass and couldn't lay on the front cos of her boobs, Ouch.
The flight went quite quick cos I watched a few films and before you know it we are coming in to land. And then coming in to land again. The first landing was aborted and the pilot took us back up just as we were nearing the runway. Probably for the best really cos the weather was really bad and unless he was planning to land it side-on, he defo wasn't coming in straight enough.
That was it, some safe and sound.
So that's my surgery trip over. Not sure I will have much exciting stuff to blog about for a while but I will try and do a bit now and then. I have got a few more posts to do just about hints and tips for anyone planning on going for any of the surgeries I've had, which I hope will be helpful.