Knackered ! not had the best of days today. Harry seemed to be “on-one” today and it seemed like he did nothing but moan from the minute we got up. I did the watering straight after breakfast while Saskia fed the animals. As soon as that was done Harry wanted me to shift a tree trunk that he had chopped up into pieces. Each piece weighed a ton and I had to use a pick up- wheely thing (can’t think of the name of them at the moment) to get them from the kangaroo pen over to the avery’s until he was ready to use them.
He had a go about Flo and Lettie saying they weren’t great workers. Lettie has a bad knee so can’t bend down and he has her feeding the kangaroo pen on her own. It’s a big job and all he kept saying was how she hadn’t filled a full wheelbarrow in 2 hours. What he forgot to take into account though was that me and Saskia took out most of the big weeds when we were doing it so all that’s left is small weeds. It’s obviously going to take longer to fill it with small weeds. He then moaned about Flo as she has Asthma and so can’t do some jobs where she gets dusty etc. I keep trying to stick up for the girls but it’s getting to the point where it’s not doing me any favours so I’ve changed my approach. Instead I kept getting had fulls of big weeds on my way back with the empty trolly, back to the roo pen. This helped get Lettie’s wheelbarrow full quicker. It was still a valid task as eventually all the weeds all over the place need doing. The thing with Harry is he’s great with animals but has bad interpersonal skills and sounds like he’s shouting a lot of the time even when he is not.
As usual Saskia got all the easy jobs. She was washing a few pots in the morning then was supposed to help me in the orchard. As I did the strimming to get the grass length down and do all the edges she was meant to follow me with the lawn mower. She mowed it like a pensioner for about half an hour then f*cked off to feed the baby roo’s at 10:30 and 11:30 and took nobody with her so did them all herself. By the time she’d done it was lunch time. It’s a piss take as Harry thinks the sun shines out of her arse, but I’ve got news for him it doesn’t it smells of shit just like the rest of us.
Speaking of shit, I decided to clean the “volunteers toilet” out since it was manky and as only Saskia had been using it I’m confused why it’s so filthy and he’s blaming everyone for it being a mess.
We had omelette for lunch with the German sausages sliced up in it and cheese on top. After lunch I cleaned, swept my caravan and tidied up so that Harry didn’t have anything to pull me up on, then me and letitflo watched a few episodes of “The big bang theory” on their laptop. We sat in the shade near my caravan and had a few red wine and coke while Saski played with the baby roos with Karin.
For dinner we had fillet steak with rice and sliced beetroot, as meat is cheaper here than vegetables so you tend to get quite a big piece of meat with rice or pasta rather than veggies. After dinner we went to the caravan at about 7:15pm as we could hear Saskia in the kitchen behind us huffing and puffing as she wanted to lock up the house (who died and left her in charge?).
I found out why Harry is being a bit hard on the girls….they have come from a scheme called “helpexchange” where you register with a site and create a profile then you can choose a family to work for in exchange for food and accommodation. So obviously he is expecting them to earn their keep, where as I have paid to be here £395 for two week if you please lol. So I guess he has to try and make it an enjoyable experience, I still work like a dog though either way. Watched TV for a while then retired to bed at about 9:30pm.