Usual wake up of 6am and had breakfast then got cracking with the morning feeds, which was finished by around 8am. We then got started on weeding a huge area in the Kangaroo’s pen as it had become overgrown with weeds and you can only get them out when the ground is soft enough. The roo’s are fussy so only eat the grass and leave the bloody weeds.
After the weeding had aour morning break and then I strimmed round the drive ready for a delivery of gravel while Saskia followed behind with the lawn mower. Once the gravel arrives all the short grass will then be covered and the place will look a lot tidier.
Around 11:0am fed the baby roo’s with Sass (current count 5) so it takes a bit longer now and I think she doesn’t mind the help. Moved the bails of straw to the cow shed in case they don’t get picked up any time soon but hopefully they will as the watering bit take ages as you need to make a few trips with full buckets to fill their water trough.
The two new girls arrived around 5:15pm, which was a good job as Karin had done a great big joint of pork about the size of my leg. They were called Florence and Leticia so like they do with Hollywood celebs I gave them their celeb name to make it easier to remember them (Brad and Angelina = Brangelina) So they became Letitflo lol. As soon as they arrived and dumped their stuff we ate dinner which was pork with sauerkraut and boiled potatoes. They don’t seem to be big on gravy here and most things like potatoes are just served dry, no butter or owt.
Harry went into town so took my phone with him so hopefully the messages in my outbox would send, but no such luck, they were still sat there when he came back. The girls said they wanted to go into town at some point tomorrow to use the internet so I mention to Harry that I would go with them as they had a car so it wouldn’t be any hassle for him.
After dinner the usual routine was neighbours then Karin and Harry went to their caravan and Sass to hers. The girls looked a bit shocked but I explained their was a TV caravan and took them there. I went to bed about 9pm and explained they would soon be knackered and would probably end up doing the same soon.