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Around the World Trip - Day 46 - 16th Feb 2009 – Queenstown to Christchurch to Wellington

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Woke up at 5am and packed away our stuff, quick bowl of cereal and then we had to hit the road at 6am to get back over to Christchurch for our flight at 2pm as it was about a 5/6 hour drive. We went a different way that was quicker but less scenic (although I wouldn’t really know too well as I slept most of it lol).

We got to the airport at about 12.30pm so it’s a good job we didn’t set off any later. Got a quick sandwich at the airport and then it was time to board the plane. The flight wasn’t very long so you just got a choice of crisps a biscuit or a packet of sweet flowed by a glass of water (thank god for the sandwich earlier).

The weather was a bit wet and grey again when we got back to Wellington, but the weather reports had said it was due to clear the next few days. We got a taxi back to Kelly and chilled out for a bit, Phil had a sleep and I went on her internet to upload pics and catch up with my blog. After chilling out for a bit we drove to the local fish shop and bought fish and chips each and a paoua fritter. There were loads of choice of different type of fish or you could choose your own fish from the fresh fish counter and they would cook it for you in breadcrumbs or batter.

We had a few beers and watched telly for a bit but then had a pretty early night as we were all shattered. Sorry it’s a bit of a naff blog today but about 8 hours of it was spent travelling so and sleeping so not really much I can write to spice it up lol.

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