Also Day 1 Post eye Op (this is going to get very long-winded after the teeth op)
I forgot to upload this pic of a shop we stumbled upon when we were out and about the other day>>>>

Wonder what kind of services they sell? lol
Woke up about 7 and the WiFi had disconnected. I switched my lamp on so that My mate Sophie would know I was awake. I knew she was working as she had taken my blood pressure at about 6. Sure enough, bang on queue she popped in again to do my blood pressure. Shortly after my breakfast arrived which looked suspiciously like last night's cheeky snack, with the addition of a hot boiled egg. I wasn’t complaining though I could easily have eaten my blanket last night I was that hungry.
Several more blood pressure checks and then I ventured into the bathroom to check out Dr Frankenstein’s creation. My eyes had started to don a nice shade of purple eyeshadow which apparently is this winter's colour pallet so it’s all good. I couldn’t work out though why my reflection looked like a cross between Shrek and the guy off the Goonies (is it sloth?). My ears looked like they stuck out more than normal and my face seemed swollen and a bit lopsided. When I pressed my face near my ears I released it, I had that thing mi mum had in her legs called Adema’s or sommat. It’s kinda fluid in the tissue but quite solid. When you press it, it’s like pressing a peach and yer fingerprint kinda dents the skin and it takes a while to spring back. Anyway, I did a quick google search, as you do, to see how you get rid of the fluid, ignoring the section that mentioned common causes could be kidney or liver disease, pregnancy, and lots of other things. Instead, I focused on the less severe causes like medications, operations etc. Apparently, massaging the area and moving it as well as drinking plenty of fluids will help disperse the fluid from your tissue back towards the heart?it kinda made sense that the swelling would be around the lower part of my face etc as I hadn't been exercising my jaw for a while. Being like an extra on prison cellblock H in solitary I hadn’t had anyone to speak to. I think possibly my body had gone into shock at what would appear to be the longest time I’d not spoken since birth. I think I even broke a sponsored silence at school cos I just couldn’t do it.
Lunch came around 12:30 which was another try of culinary delights, a bread roll, some buttered pasta, and some mince and courgette medley. I ate the pasta and a bit of the medley and looked forward to the yogurt for dessert. Sadly this was not to be, it was a kind of cross between natural yogurt and cottage cheese. When she came to collect my tray she said something in Turkish which I interpreted to be ‘how was the food’ to which I replied ‘Vile thanks’ and smiled. She looked pleased with herself and took away the tray.

At about 2ish I could hear Emma’s singing voice acting as interpreter in Kate’s room so that perked me up as I knew we must be due to go back to the hotel soon. Around 2:30 Dr David floated in with an entourage and removed a couple of the pieces of tape and gave my eyes a wipe with some iodine type stuff. He was very gentle, turns out he’s the actual surgeon so good job I was very smiley when I first met him or he could of decided to give me a very oriental looking eye out of spite. Saying that they haven’t healed yet so he may be the one smiling when I get home and have to change my surname to chin.
I got a quick pic of Emma when she come to my room (she said she wanted it in black and white she looks better). Who knew? >>>>

And another in Black & White to keep her happy.....Oh yeah I see it now :-/ lol

By 3 pm I've got another bag Of goodies, meds and instructions to add to my ever-growing daily ritual. Hopefully, this will be the last lot though now unless these veneers need to be brushed with the placenta of small goat or something. Let’s hope not.
Head shots from today. Not looking AS red but still like a remnant of a peppered steak>>>
Here's a video from today I did back at the room>>>>
Had some dinner downstairs in the restaurant, which was just the same menu as room service but with the added bonus of a bit of people watching. I went all adventurous and had the same chicken curry thing I've had before. I just live on the edge me. Riveting meal shot coming up>>>>>
