First thing in the morning was a bit awkward as we had not spoken because Layla had been asleep when I got in. I'm not one of those people who can just carry on like nothing happened until Ove spoken about it. I have to get my feelings out and then it's done and I can just move on. I don't drag it out or anything.
I had a shower and could hear Layla pottering about in the bedroom so just shouted I was going for breakfast and she said I'll meet you there. When she came down for breakfast she did the whole "morning" and I was expecting her to do what Kirsty does and just brush it under the carpet as if it never happened. She didn't though we did speak about it and she said how irresponsible it was and that she has no self-control when she has a drink. Anyway, after a brief chat everything was fine again.
Layla set off before me as her course started at 9:30am and mine wasn't until 10am (or so I thought). I ordered my cab at 9:45 and then Layla rang me at 10am asking where I was as Deborah thought Id been told 9:30 start. I explained I had been doing 10am start the other days and nobody had said otherwise. That put me straight into stress mode cos there was no sign of the taxi and I knew if I tried walking I would only get lost so just had to wait. Eventually, at 10:20 the cab came and its only about 10 mins to the Dive centre.
Anyway, when I got there it was all fine, I did say if she needed to make my dive shorter I didn't mind but she said it was okay. I got into my gear and she explained we would be going off the jeti but down the steps. I was happy about this as I could put my fins on first and then you just fall back into the water off the steps. This dive was just for pleasure and to go down to 18m to complete my course so there were no exercises to do. It was really relaxing and we saw lots of different fish, an octopus and a baby seahorse. I was worried if my ears would give me trouble going deeper than Id been before but they were fine.
I cleaned up this pic as there were loads of people on the beach so I edit them all out o it was just my moment in my diving gear :-) My dive was bout 45 mins then it was just the small matter of payment then I was certified as an Open Water Diver.

Marianne logged it onto the app so it's all in there and all I need to do now is log any dives I do in the future so they all go in my logbook on the app as for certain qualifications you need a specific number of dives. I have to say each dive just felt easier and easier and more enjoyable. I think if you had more of your own equipment too that would make everything easier as you would be used to the gear more.
I did a bit of sunbathing on the beach while I waited for Layla as she had another 2 dives to do, so we agreed we'd grab food in between.

Layla came back from her Dive with her gorgeous instructor (and she still doesn't even know his name lol). He looked like a super hero when is was just in his wetsuit in the kit room :-/
We grabbed some lunch at our usual place and then Layla went back and completed her last dive which was down as far as 30m. she had already done a wreck dive and a drift dive so this was the last she had to do. We treated ourselves to a jug of Sangria to celebrate our passing our courses and got back just as going down, which is so nice as its a bit cooler and not uncomfortable.
Next is was time to get all that salt water off and get ready for our last night out. Layla had said she wasn't drinking tonight lol, yeah right. that probably lasted all of an hour. We had a walk up and down the main strip and she was going to get her hair braided on one side and then a wrap put on was a piece of hair. She was really unimpressed with the woman ragging her head about and pulling at her hair so told her to forget it lol.
We went to route 66 along the front which was quite busy ad then walked further along to our usual Karaoke place. On the way home, we both decided to go skinny dipping in the sea, which was so exhilarating as the sea was really warm under the moonlight. Something I've never done before but I loved it being all free and at one with the ocean.
Absolutely great end to the holiday and a perfect way to end our night.