So today has been a lazy day as had nothing in the diary that we needed to do except recovery time. There is a bit of a routine to do each day, I don't mean the foxtrot or anything, but potions, lotions, and tablets routine to follow. I have done a few videos for this part as it probably won't make an interesting read (not that I'm saying the rest of this claptrap is interesting lol).
We went down for breakfast this morning at about 9 am and the chambermaid's trolley was parked outside nextdoor's room we thought "ooh that's good timing" and stuck the 'Please makeup room' sign on the door handle.
Todays Head Shots>>>>
As you can see from the about pics it's still quite red and full of small bloody scabs where the hairs have been put in. My forehead is swollen at the front but I am told this is normal. Just look like Herman Munster at the mo cos my face is also swollen from the root canals and having 2 women stood in my mouth for a full day :-/
Short back & Sides>>>>
From this angle, it doesn't look very attractive and looks very red and angry. It doesn't feel as sore as it looks, in fact in this picture it looks like someone has gone around my head with a big potato peeler and took a slice all the way around. Things can only get better eh :-/
You can see how my head is swollen at the front and this shot reminds me of a couple of sliced peppered pastrami that have been lay on my head lol. Don't think It will make a good new profile pic.
Had a light breakfast of cereal, coffee, and funny looks. I don't know if I have mentioned already that the hotel we are staying in is called the Volley Hotel. Well, when we first arrived we saw a volleyball team milling around in their team trackies and I remember thinking 'That's funny, we staying in the Volley Hotel and the first people we see are a volleyball team'. So I said to Eddie 'Eddie isn't that funny, we are staying in the Volley Hotel and the first people we see are a volleyball team'. Cos I'm like that you see I speak my mind lol. Anyhoo this morning low and behold it was like volleyball team central at breakfast, loads of different team trackies all around the place. All really tall girls too which probably comes in handy.
Not only were there lots of volleyball teams but also we clocked about 7 guys at breakfast in different stages of hair transplant. Some still with the back bandages on like we were yesterday. Some with slightly less bloody heads with no bandages (we call them Day 1 & 2's) and then some with no blood but red heads (we don't have a name for them yet).
After breakfast, we went back to the room to start the hair shampoo routine (bet that's never a category on strictly).
So here you go>>>
After the whole hair shampoo rigmarole, we decide to go out and get some fresh air. Sod's law though it's been miserable all the time we have been here but today it was cracking the flags. Not to be deterred Eddie had an idea that we could ask at reception for 2 umbrellas to shade us from the sun. So looking not too dissimilar to the 'We are LADIES' from Little Britain protecting our dainty heads from the midday sun, off we set.

We set off walking looking round the hotel area and saw a few kebab and pizza shops Sio that would be dinner sorted for tonight. Eddie is a fan of walking but I have to say I'm not an ambler me, I like to have a purpose if I'm walking somewhere. I'm just quite practical and kind of think, the further I walk now the further I need to walk back when its time to go home. So we did about 2 streets then I said, "right we done then". Eddie looked like he wasn't really wanting to go back to the room, but I pointed out his head was swelling a bit at the front like the elephant man and he soon changed his tune. It wasn't really but had swollen a bit and I wanted to go back ;-)
On getting to our floor we noticed the chambermaids cart was still outside the same room. Now I'm no time and motion expert but one room every half-day does not seem like a good speed to me. As we needed to change the towels and pillowcases (blood leakage) so we decided to do her job for her and take some clean towels etc off the cart. We may have also acquired some extra bottles of water and 3in1 coffee sachets but that's what you get for doing half a job Fatima!
Back at the room, I noticed over the road was like a big car park but full of men gathering like it was a local meeting place or something, drinking coffee and chatting. It was only when we lay down for a Siesta that all the pieces started to come together. All of a sudden not far from our room somewhere in the hotel you could hear the sound of like a Boxing announcer, you know shouting sommat like "And in the Red corner weighing 200 pounds". Next, we heard loud chanting and stamping of feet as if they were shouting some anthem. Then it clicked, it's probably a chuffing volleyball match, that's what the teams are here for, and that's what the car park was full for. They must be the drivers who have brought the people. Tell you what Miss Marple's got nothing on me, Mystery solved!
Think I will go live at 7 pm our time (4 pm UK) just so my mum and friends know I am alive and well :-)