Layla's still not home. To say I am unimpressed would be an understatement. I didn't sleep a wink last night because I had to leave the door unlocked in case I didn't hear her knocking so I was jumping up at every slightest noise. Also had the window open which is right on the main road and we are only one level Up so was stressing over someone claiming in.
Had breakfast but my stomach was in knots worrying about where she could be. I know deep down that she probably ended up making some pals and staying out with them. Not sure what she did for drinks though as there was only €10 in the kitty so I split it €5 each so we both had the money for a taxi.
She hadn't took her phone out with her so I had no way of getting hold of her or knowing where she was. After about 4 nervous poos (sorry) I made the decision to go to the dive centre in case she had gone straight there as her course started at 9:30 and mine was 10am. I was also reluctant to not finish my course worrying only for her to rock up and tell me about the great night she'd had. that's what I was hoping for though and nothing horrible had happened.
When I got to the dive centre Andreas asked where she was and I explained I didn't know as we weren't in the same apartment and I thought she had come down earlier and left it at that. For the rest of the day I tried o block it out of my head and concentrate on what I came to do. with the exception of the bloody fins again the rest was much easier. All the things I had learned yesterday I was kinda putting into practice anyway, life flushing my mask. the regulator gave me a bit of grief on the first dive though it felt like it kept moving about in my mouth which isn't right. Weh we finished the first dive I told him and he saw it had split on the biut you bite down on. He replaced it then we had a ten min break and then on to dive 2. This time I had to step into the water from a height keeping hold of my mask on my face so it couldn't get pushed off when I hit the water. It wasn't too bad and he said I was better than the guy who was more experienced who went before me ;-)
For the second dive, we followed a guide rope down and did a few more tasks like manually inflating your BCD by taking a mouth full of air from your regulator and then blowing it into the manual inflation inlet. This didn't feel so tricky this time as I just did it calmly and steadily. By the time I'd finished the second one though I was knackered and it was a struggle to get back to shore once we surfaced. We were going to have half an hour break and then do another dive. when I went back after the break he said I could do the next dive tomorrow with the lady who was taking over from him as he was going back to Italy for his father's birthday. He got no argument from me lol.
So I walked along the harbor to my new favourite restaurant where they remembered me and I had the garlic prawns and bread and oili oili, oh and a red wine and coke to celebrate my successfully completing day 2.
I got back to the apartment and Layla, thankfully was fast asleep in bed. At least she is safe and sound that's the main thing. I had a little nanna nap on the sofa in the lounge bit so not to wake her up then caught up on yesterday's blog. She was still asleep after I'd had a shower and it was time for dinner so I went down on my own.
The food was below average at best. So I had white onion soup to start, then Pork steak with potatoe crochet and overcooked veg with a bit of rice. I always think it's best to boil broccoli to within an inch of its life to get the best out of it. I then went up for what was described as parmesan potatoes, boiled spuds basically, they must have forgotten the cheese.
Had a little walk outside the accom while I rang Kirsty and managed to get a quick sunset snap.
