Spent the morning tidying up and watering the plants as I like to leave things tidy for my house sitter and not leave them too much to do with the plants so they don't get over watered etc. Mum's having the dogs so that they are taken of and in a familiar setting etc.
Packed my case and then it was time to head to the station. I've never quite been able to work out where the long stay car park is at the airport cos every time I get there I can only ever find the station car park. Anyway, I parked it in the close proximity spaces so I don't forget where I've parked it as it's right outside the doors lol.
Bought some snacks for the journey but then ended up getting a table seat and there were two others on it with me, so didn't fancy trying to slurp a milky bar dessert from the pot (cos I forgot a spoon), so instead I just busied myself copying all my blog posts into drafts from the backup word document I had found. By the time I got to Euston station I had completed the whole thing, so I now have 103 days worth of posts in draft format and can just go through the pics for each day next and then add the highlights to the blog posts. I want to get them on there as soon as I can so I have them for posterity. It's also nice to read back about what I did on my trip as I have already forgotten so much of it. Hopefully, I can get all those posted onto my site if I do a load every Sunday and just schedule them to go live. I want that trip completed so that by the time I go to Bali I can blog about that in real-time instead of having to play catch up with everything.

It was about a 20-minute drive to Layla's in Wandsworth and then when got settled in we ordered a little snacklet from the chinese as Kirsty needed feeding. If we didn't order somethign the midnight monster would have woke up a sleep ate in the middle of the night lol.
Layla's flat feels really zen and peaceful. She loves her plants and puts my collectionto shame. She has really nice eclectic mix of furnitue that she has upcycled herself as she hates to see furniture go to the tip etc. I'm just not 'crafty' enough to do that sort of thing which is why I have always bought new or I would just have a pile of stuff still waiting to be upcycled, that never got done.
Jupiter, Layla's dog, is so lovely. She is going to keep me company tonight on my bed cos she’s already cuddled up to me on it .
