Another late morning about 10am and had cereal and coffee again on the terrace as I'm not really a big breakfast person. That reminds me, when I get home I am going to start having a Forever Living shake for breakfasts as it's enough for me in the morning and will fill me up until lunch. In fact, I am going to also order all the skincare again as it's the only thing that used to really agree with my skin. Not sure why I felt the need to blog about that lol. So if anybody wants to order anything now is the time to let me know ;-)
It was another lovely day so we spent it on the terrace on our own sunbeds rather than going down to the beach, no sand, nice and hot and easy access to our rooms. I made some Pek sandwiches with tomatoe and mayo for the group on a tray with crisp, also did everyone a glass (a bowl is sometimes too much) or tuna pasta salad. Just filled a gap. It was a mission to undo the pek as we didn't have a tin opener so had to stab it with a knife and then cut the lid then spoon out the meat. It would be getting chopped up anyway so makes no difference.
Mum modeling her headscarf on the terrace like a movie star :-)
It's been nice on this holiday not having any plans to do anything during the day so you can just chill out and not have to be rushing about. I've enjoyed not having to be up at a specific time or anything and just being able to wind down.
Later on we went down to Akrogiali for dinner. I had the Chicken Parmasan but it wasn't really that so I'm not going to cross it off my list of things that I've had. He even brought it over and said "chicken Cordon Bleu". It was a chicken escalope with cheese sauce on and wasn't in breadcrumbs or anything as I expected. It was still really nice though as they do homemade chips which are really tasty and not just oven chips. As usual, by the time it came, I was hungry so just tucked straight in and didn't take a bloody pic. Just remembered the pics when the bill came lol. They brought out the usual plate of fruit and cakes as well as a bottle of Raki.

We all got ready and then George came and picked us up from our accommodation to go up to theirs for Eurovision night. We bought nibbles and drinks from the supermarket at the top of the steps and Jackie and George were getting Pizzas for later.
Sophie arrived last night so was there when we got there with her lovely smile. She is just like her mum, such a nice person. I took a bottle of orange tango up as my drink of choice for the night. We played a few games before the main show started. We did charades which were all Eurovision-based words and then played a few games of Eurovision bingo where your cards were countries rather than numbers. We played for €1 each per game and the winner of a line won the pot. Andrew won two games and Kirsty won one.
Then we did a sweepstake for the winner of the Eurovision but by the time all the acts had performed it was already 1am. George was going to bed as he had been fishing and was tired, so I suggested we make a move. Jackie asked if I minded driving George's car to take everyone down to our Studios. I was the only one who hadn't had a drink so it made sense and it's only down the road.
I went straight to bed when we got home cos I was goosed. The other stayed out on the terrace until about 3am. It was a great night and we had a laugh and as usual Jackie was the ultimate host running round after everyone making sure they had enough drinks and food. I bet she will be glad of the rest when we go home lol.