Woke up and took Bella out for a walk so she would be tired later. She only ate half of her breakfast, I think she knows when she sees my case that I am going away. She was sat on the stairs and looked all sad bless her.
Went down to mums to pick up Kizzy as Andy has been lumbered with mums bird too for the week. I recorded a few videos for him showing him how to set the alarm and what commands to say to Alexa to switch things on and off (of the modern world we live in these days lol).
Then it was time to head off to the airport. Traffic was painless and we had a pretty quick check-in as mum had wheelchair assistance (aka me) so we got speedy boarding and rushed through security which was nice. Kirsty had left booking her flight until later to see if he price cam e down and it had ended up being full so she had book ed a Tui one later today, whcih meant she would arrive in resort at about 1:30am. We grabbed ourselves a Starbucks toasties and drink eat neither of us had eaten breakfast before setting off as well as a boots meal deal for the flight as it's 4 hours so I knew I would want lunch. I think mum felt it strange being at the airport with me for the first time since I went alcohol-free and me not having a pint of cider or something as it has almost become the custom over the years that no matter what time you fly you have a pint at the airport. It really didn't bother me.
By the time we had eaten our breakfast, it was time to head to the gates. We went on the lift thing that takes you up to the aircraft so that Mum didn't have to contend with the aircraft steps and hold everyone up. I don't understand why airlines don't load wheelchair passengers first so they don't have to struggle through the rest of the passengers who are already seated and disrupt them etc. It would be much more dignified that way. They get them off last so I never understand why they don't board them first?
We weren't sat together on the flight so I had to wait until we took off and the seatbelt signs were off so I could take mum her meal deal down for later. Say Andrea and Tracey on the way to mum, with their empty seat in the middle of them as Donna has canceled last minute, for personal reasons so I didn't ask why, as it's none of my business. I read a bit of my book and also chatted with the couple next to me who had their 18-month-old son with them, who was really well-behaved the whole time. The flight seemed to go really quick and before I knew it we were landing and making our way through passport control. Again with mum in the wheelchair we got taken through a separate bit so really speedy. Bags came off with no hitch and our taxi man that Jackie has organised was waiting for us with his little electronic sign with our names on.

The transfer to the resort of Bali was about 45 mins and we had a nice big minivan with bottles of water for the journey etc. It's 2 hours in front in Crete so by the time we arrived it was dark and Jackie met us at the top of the step to show us to our rooms. We literally just dropped our bags in the rooms and then went down to dinner as she has booked a table for us. This is the view from the side of our terrace and the restaurant is at the bottom left of the pic. Not far to walk for food eh ;-)
We all ordered a dish each and then a few extra starter dishes were added and then George ordered some other bits and before you knew it I was full before my main had even arrived. I keep forgetting to get pics of everything for my blog so just managed a couple of group pics and some as the food started coming out. There was also plenty of wine and they brought out Raki shots with the bill. I just stuck to mineral water all night and it really didn't bother me. I did feel weird not having a shot of Raki when everyone was cheers'ing so I just filled a shot glass up with mineral water lol. Shots used to be my thing so that bit did feel strange for the first time not joining in.
I was stuffed by the end of it and they brought out a few plates of fruit and cakes with the bill. I LOVE the orange cake they do here and most people didn't want any of the fruit or cakes so there was a full plate of each left. George sorted out for me to take the fruit and cakes up the room for the morning :-) We also boxed up some of the excess food for Kirsty (there was far too much) as I know she can eat food hot or cold even in the mornings for breakfast :-) By the time we had paid the bill etc it was 1:30am. Kirsty arrived just after 2am and we all pretty much went straight to bed once she'd said a few hello's etc.