My depression began about 5/6, years ago. At the time I didn't make the connection but looking back I seemed to take a nose dive shortly after my dad passed away. For so long after he passed, I was probably running on auto-pilot, sorting all the funeral arrangements, informing various official companies that my dad had passed, returning his wheelchairs, making arrangements for his mobility van to be collected etc. There was so much to do I didn't have time to grieve I just needed to get it all sorted. It's almost like after it was all done and there was nothing else to focus on my body just went into shut-down mode.
I tried my hardest to "pick myself up" or "cheer up" as so many people would tell me but I just couldn't seem to get out of this dark hole. It wasn't like there was something I was unhappy about or a "thing" that was making me sad. I just couldn't seem to feel excited/happy about anything. I didn't want to go out or see people and even things I used to look forward to were just not of interest to me anymore. Eventually, I went to the doctors and asked for something to help. I was prescribed my first of many antidepressants and hoped they would sort things out. Sadly for me they didn't work. I think in general I am quite impatient anyway and if for example I try a new face cream I don't look 10 years younger in two days, I start to lose interest lol. I just kept thinking "when will they kick in?" and "when will I feel happy again".
I had been on antidepressants for 5 or 6 years, which never seemed to work for me (I had tried different types, but none of them seemed to do what I was expecting). I think because I have always considered myself an upbeat person, I hoped they would make me feel happy again. Instead, they kind of helped stop the lows, but they also dulled out the highs so I just felt numb and a kind of nothingness. I mean who wants to live their life feeling life a zombie, I just waned happy me back again :-(
I was also on blood pressure tablets as my blood pressure was so high, which gave me really bad acid reflux, so I was then put on omeprazole to manage the acid reflux. I knew that I wanted not to be on tablets for all these things and preferred to try and address the root cause not manage the symptoms, so that I could be medication-free.
So I first stopped the omeprazole as this was the easiest fix and started drinking aloe vera juice. This had been recommended to me by a friend who sold the best aloe vera products through Forever Living. After a few weeks, this completely cured my acid reflux to the point that once it was under control I only needed to have some now and again. This was usually after a big night out drinking either wine or cider when it usually flared up. Now I don't need any at all. If anybody reading this has acid reflux, I highly recommend trying aloe vera juice (but a good quality one). I still have a log in for the company I got mine from so you are welcome to have my discount. Message me and I will send you a link with my 15% already on. In fact, whilst typing this up I found a way to create a link so you can just click HERE. Any questions on which to use just ask.
I then decided to stop taking my blood pressure tablets (disclaimer, this is not recommended and you should seek advice from your doctor before stopping taking any prescribed medication). I started monitoring my blood pressure daily and noticed that it always seemed to be higher after a night out drinking.

I began drinking celery juice which amongst other health benefits, naturally lowers your blood pressure. As of 1st Feb 2024 my blood pressure was 115/76 which falls in the GOOD zone.
The last thing I needed to come off was the antidepressants. I have to admit this was the step that was filling me with dread in case I suddenly spiralled downwards after being on and off different ones for 5-6 years. But I figured that I didn't particularly feel much better on them so I probably wouldn't feel that much worse off them?
I will do a separate post about the depression and coming off those tablets as that was probably a longer journey and needs a bit more than a few lines of text.
I also noticed that my low moods always seemed to be worse if I had been drinking at the weekend and it would last for days. Feeling ill and rough the day after with the dreaded beer fear. Then lethargy and low mood the next day, followed by no motivation and depression for two/three days after that. So my next step after coming off all the tablets would be to give up Alcohol. But I needed to do one thing at a time though, so the next step would be coming off the antidepressants.
I have recently weaned myself off antidepressants and I don’t feel any different now from when I was taking them so what good were they doing ? I think years ago doctors gave them out as an easy fix but I’m happy to be off them now.