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Chilly Tuesday

Well last night was THE worst nights sleep (or lack of) I have ever had. I pretty much was awake the whole night. I had a really chesty cough that kept making my kidneys hurt more every time I coughed. I had a kind of fever and even though I was hot and under the covers, I was shaking yet sweating profusely. During the night I was kind of hallucinating and thinking I was in a game where I had to cough in a certain way to clear different parts of my throat, it was very weird. As if all this wasn't enough I had to keep going to the loo every hour or so. I also had acid reflux to add to the mix and eventually got up at 12pm and dosed myself up with everything I could lay my hands on. I took vitamin C tablets, paracetamol, and ibuprofen every 4 hours and had hot drinks and plenty of water to keep my fluids up. I feel like it might be either a water infection (hence the trippy delusions) or a kidney infection.

I text my contact for the taste testing for today and tomorrow to let her know I wouldn't be able to make it. Besides feeling horrible I prob wouldn't be able to taste anything so wouldn't be much use really.

I did not have the energy to do anything all day until around tea time and I made sal n chilli chicken pieces to hopefully boos my immune system and fight off the flu-like symptoms. For dessert I made myself one of my school favourites, chocolate sponge with green mint custard.

Watched another episode of the very gripping The Traitors and then had an early night to hopefully get some sleep this time. By the time I went to bed I was numb with pain killers so my kidneys werent so sore and I had dosed myself up so it was more of a cold and I didnt feel shivery.

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully feel a bit better again by then.

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