Woke up absolutely freezing cold cos I had switched the fire off before I went to sleep and so the warmth in the room had gone. I law there for a while trying to cover myself up with the woolly throws desperate for a wee but not wanting to get out of bed lol. Even my nose was cold and my back where the blankets haven't quite reached round me in the night.
Eventually got up and farted to the loo then came back and lit the fire. I think that's what made me feel nostalgic yesterday, having to light a gas fire. We take central heating for granted these days.
Once I was up, I made us both a coffee and a 'bit of scabby dry toast' as mum very kindly referred to my culinary creation later in the day lol. I purposely only made her a toast because she always says she can't eat when she first wakes up. Damned if you do, damned if you don't eh.
Once we'd had our 'breakfast' we got ready and headed over to the market. Not sure why anyone would want to walk around an outdoor market in March with their fingers falling off but here we are lol.
After we did a lap of the market, we headed over t Asda to buy stuff for dinner. The plan was to make chicken and mushroom pasta in a creamy mushroom sauce.
I made us both cheese and beans on toast for lunch and then because it was quite late when we ate it, neither of us felt like having that for dinner :-/
I managed to finish my book as I had read a lot before bed last night and after lunch spend the afternoon reading. A great book and definitely worth a read. You can get your copy HERE
It just shows that if you are the right kind of person you can pull yourself out of diversity and become a success. Your childhood trauma and struggles don’t have to define you. They can be your driving force to spur you on and turn your life around. Reminds me of the strength of character #oprahwinfrey had to make herself one of Forbes top women despite having suffered her own nightmare as a child. Great read. I want to find a book that gives an insight into slavery and living through that, as I think it’s important not to be ignorant and also have an understanding of what other people lived through so that others can have the freedom they have today. If I can get another under my belt this month then I am on track for my target of a book a month this year. I didn’t start until Feb so want to make up for missing January. #readingtime #booksbooksbooks #violadavis
I was going to read one of my dad's old books as my next book but when I looked through them there was nothing that really grabbed me. They were all either True crime (but not one story, just all short collections). The only book that looked like a full story about one topic was one about football hooligans. Desperate to carry on reading while I was in the mood I made a start on it, but not sure it is going to really grab me.
We watched Saturday night takeaway in mums room as it was the only TV that could get ITV. For some reason the one in the lounge won't tune into all the channels, so we will have to take it home to tune it then bring it back see if that works?
Mum has decided to come back with me tomorrow as it's just too cold here at the mo and there isn't anyone here on the site yet that she knows so would be a bit boring really.
Had another sleep tea and was in bed for 10pm ready or slumber. It's good to let your body recharge it's batteries and not have a schedule to stick to while yer on yer happy holidays :-)