I slept in a bit until 7:30 then sprung up and showered and had my morning coffee with my book. I'm determined to finish this one before I set off to Iceland so I have a new book to read on the 5-hour coach journey to London.
Took Bella for a walk and it was lovely and dry and sunny. I take it back about the council removing bins as it would appear that two of the bins that used to be at the bus stops have now been replaced with much larger bins, which will be a lot better as they won't be overflowing with rubbish so quickly. So Well Done Oldham Council. I know from looking at their Twitter account that it must feel like they can't do right for doing wrong as people always have to put a negative spin on everything they do, so credit where it is due. My only criticism is that it would have been better to remove the old bins and put the new ones in on the same day rather than have a period of no bins. The one at the park hasn't been replaced yet but fingers crossed that will get the same upgrade as a lot of dog walkers tend to take their dogs through the park.
Within minutes of getting home large snowflakes were coming down thick and fast like a blizzard. 1o minutes later it had stopped and was glorious sunshine again. That seemed to be the theme for the rest of the day, it just kept swapping and changing from one season to another every 10 or 20 minutes. You can see in the bin pic above how blue the sky was when I took Bella out. The video below is an hour later.
Got a lot of work done today and feel like I found my Mojo again after having a few days where I had a dip in energy and felt a bit down. I don't think this bloody weather helps though as when you look out and it's grey sky and bouncing down with rain. This is one of the reasons I can't wait to retire and spend the Autumn and Winter months in a sunny climate somewhere.
If you haven't read my Random Rant yesterday about Balloon Releasing in memory of people that have passed away etc. Please check it out on the link HERE and it would be great if you could share it on your Facebook to help raise awareness. I get that people want to shaw some kind of support for a cause or person but there are so many better ways of doing it that don't adversely affect wildlife.
Had a lovely dinner. Some TGI Fridays chicken strips with a Tennessee sauce and sesame seeds. SOOOO Tasty, I'm gonna have a look if you can get that sauce on it's own online.