Today's appointment was in Ashton Hall near Lancaster and it was a gorgeous sunny day. It made me realise how lucky I am to have a different journey to work every day and be able to enjoy the countryside and amazing views between appointments. I can even take my dog to work with me (unless it's really sunny and hot in which case she visits her doggie grandma lol).
Today was another Christmas appointment, which is what I am focused on at the moment as I want to have a big run-up to Christmas and it's always easier to get a Christmas appointment if customers aren't really needing a top-up at the moment.

I'm already halfway through book number 5 for my 12 books in 12 months challenge and I am loving the whole reading again. There are so many moments when I pick up my book to read that I would have just probably been scrolling through my phone instead. I was always guilty of saying that I didn't have time to read and instead would be scrolling through social media watching other people living their best lives and complaining about not having time to do all those things. I would always admire other people who filled their time with events and new experiences and aren't just sitting around doing nothing. I am now trying to plan activities and give myself new experiences instead of sitting around waiting for life to happen.
I think reaching 50 has made me reflect quite a bit on what things I want from life and what's important. 50 years have gone by in the blink of an eye and none of us know how long we have got so it's good to not put things off and cram is as much into our lives as possible. What's that saying? "it's not the amount of years in your life, it's the amount of life in your years" or something like that lol.
It's important to stop every now and then and appreciate the things we have. That's why I try to do my gratitude journal before bed. I write in it 3 things I am grateful for so that is the last thought I have before I go to sleep. Hopefully, it helps to set the tone for the next day when I wake up. It's easy to get wrapped up in the things we want or don't have and we often forget to appreciate everything we currently have. We regularly wish our lives away and put off being happy, waiting for something to make us so. "I can't wait for the weekend", "I can't wait to go on holiday". But we have the ability to be happy right here and now if we choose to. It's not things, possessions, or holidays that make us happy, they are just short-term fixes. It's a state of mind and once you are able to tap into that you realise the rest is just "stuff".
Anyway, that's enough wisdom from me lol.