Today was a really chilled day as it never stopped raining all day so there wasn't very much to do. I spent most of the day tidying things up around the house.
Don't ask me when this was on my mind, probably something I watched but I just thought, if Time Travel is possible in the future, then maybe I should write a post to my future self lol?

So if there is such a thing as time travel years from now, you have my permission to travel back in time and come get me and bring 'past me' into the future cos I wanna see what is happening lol. I can't imagine the kind of things that will be the norm in the future that we currently can only dream about. You only need to look how far technology had come in he last 10 years so god knows what another 40/50 years will have in store.
Oh and if there is a volunteer project to have tour consciousness put into another body or something, you have my permission, sign me up!
There isn't anything else to report as I didn't go anywhere except the house.