We launched the next Tavern on Tour event via our VIP mailing list, as they get 24 hour advance access to get their tickets before they go on general sale. We do this to give loyal members first dibs on event tickets, especially when it's not a huge venue. I love it when we have launched something and my phone starts pinging like mad as people go on to the website.
Spent a bit chunk of the day trying to fix my MacBook as the mail app seemed to be stuck in a loop and kept opening and closing the same email so that I couldn't access my emails. Luckily apple support is pretty spot on and will talk you through it all and share your screen to see what the problem is. It still fascinated me the way we can do stuff like that these days with technology. Somebody reading this in 2050is like "that's nothing we can hologram into your lounge now and see it for ourselves" lol.
Lynne booked us tickets to go and watch Little voice at the Lowry, so he picked me up at 5:30pm and we went for Dinner at The Botanist. I've never been before but the food and drinks were nice and the service was good too. (Review to follow). I even managed to fit in a couple of cocktails (be rude not to).
The minute we had finished eating we pretty much had to leg it over to the theatre for the show.
Not going to lie the show was pretty slow and if it had been a film I probably wouldn't have watched it all and would have turn it over after 15 mins top. I am one of those people tho0uhg that something needs to grab my attention in the first few minutes or it's lost me. I think because I'm used to big numbers and musicals where this was more of a 'play' it wasn't really my thing. (review to follow)