Woke up at 5am again and with my S.A.D alarm clock set for 5am I am usually already awake by the time the alarm goes off as it glows from dull to really bright from 4am to trigger my body to produce serotonin and not melanin. Sadly Gillian's little fur baby (Bella's Sister) didn't make it through the night :-( The vets wanted to charge something like £800 for the cremation and an extra £250 if she wanted the ashes. I told her not to pay that sort of money and sent her the details of Legacy Pets who sorted everything for me with Bonnie.
Managed to complete the remaining days of my Around the World Trip and just switched off email notifications while I did it so that people didn't get 100's of emails notifying them of each post. It's a relief to have completed it so I can just focus on the here and now. The other others I have to do at some point are my childhood memories and a few others.
If you are a travel fan and haven't seen my Around the World Trip Blog you can start at Day 1 HERE Be warned there are 103 days in total and a lot of different places so not an overnight read, but hopefully give you an insight into some of the places I visited. There is also my Bali Trip Blog starting HERE.
Layla has found a trip to The Blue Lagoon with a trip to the Northern Lights for us to try and squeeze in some time in March. We just need to decide on a date and then we can send off the enquiry to Tavern Travel ;-)
I don't want or need any more material possessions than I already have so I would rather save up my spare money to use for more trips to see different places and experience new things. I've never really been one for fancy cars, I just use them to get from A to B, so while others drive round in the latest flashy car I would rather see the world.
Made a few phone calls to try and get some appointments booked and managed to get a few for this week. I like to get out on the road as soon into Jan as possible or it gets hard to motivate yourself to go out after not being out much in December.
Spent the day wearing the oversized snood that I bought for mum for Christmas as she said it was too big. I did try to explain it's meant to be oversized so you can get fully under it on the sofa. Anyway I've ordered her a new one and it was easier to just keep this one than try and send it back. I'm not sure why she thinks it's too big for her? lol.
Sorted out all the gift vouchers for the winners of the Tavern Quiz as they have finally got back to me with email addresses all except one. I still need to do the Live draw for Tavern Travel but I keep putting it off as I need to get my iMac set up with the spin the wheel etc but I just need to get it sorted asap.
I've switched off the spare fridge freezer and managed to cram what was left in there into the main freezer so can let it defrost overnight. That will be another job I can cross off my list so I don't feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I need to do. Once that's done and been cleaned I'm going to sort out what's in the main freezer and decide what needs getting rid of then do a shop for stuff I will definitely use to do a bit of batch cooking.
I also need to get my Buckt activities booked so I have them all sorted before it's bloody Feb and I get another lot. I think the best thing is to invite different people on each one rather than try and get one person to be available for them all. It's Rachel's Mums birthday get together Saturday so I might be able to arrange some stuff with Rachel, Lex and Fi while we are all together.
Had a few games on the PS4 with Fi then went to bed so I will be up again tomorrow at 5am.