When I got up I finished off the disaster zone that was my spare bedroom and got it back to how it should be. :-) The sense of satusfaction wassuch a good feeling and every time I had to walk in the room instead of my heart sinking , it lifted my sprits. Once I start something I now just do as much as I can before I feel overwhelmed and then I tak a break and move onto something else. it only took 2 days to finish the job but it felt so much better once it was done.
I sent off pics of damaged suitcase to Easyjet claims, but would much rather just get it repaired as I really don't want another suitcase. I'm just not sure how sturdy a repained one would be, especially when it's a wheel that would be baring a lot of the weight and lifting etc. It has taken me this long to get more stickers on this one, though I am gutted to have to start all over again. :-/ If anbody readin this knows somewhere that can either a)repaor a case or b) creat a wrap for a new case that I can have a photo of my orginal case on (not this one) that would be awesome.
Took Bella with me to Garstang ss it was raining all day so I knew she would be okay in the car. I had planned to do a Christmas appointment but when I got ther eand showed the customer new everyday from Caroline Gardner we did that instead. They are going todo the gifts and Christmas at Harrogate instead.

Jay messaged me on my way back to see if I wanted to join him for tea as he was making chicken salad. It was nice to get home and not have to start thining about what to have and someone else sort my tea for a change. I did request a smnall portion this time as he usually make a big plate full and I end up leaving half of it. There was plenty of beetroot on the salas which I definitely don't eat enough of and I am trying to keep lots of colours of the rainbow in mu fridge while the weather is nice (when it is).
Even though I did all the cooking when Alexa and Fi lived with me, they always kept on top of the house so it was always tidy. In fact Alexa used to even tell me off if I left things a mess lol. I do miss them living here as it was nice to come home to someone and do our "family sharing" around the dinner table to offload our days.
I still haven't gotten around to booking all this months Buckt activities so I am going to sort them all tomorrow for sure as they need to be booked before the end of June. I will just book them for days I am free and then see who can make each one afterwards. If you try and check everybody's availability first you will never get anything sorted.
I sent the old Virtual Tavern Limited company accounts off to Tax Assist as Steve has very kindly agreed ot close them off for me for free. I was gettign a bit stressed about who should have to pay for this since the limited company is no more and the bank account closed. It already owed me about £2000 last year where I had paid for things and not took the money back. That feels like a weight off muy shoulders anyway. We have the money in the bank for this years accounts for the new company so al is good. I've also paid my 2nd tax paument which was only £100 because I have been paying onthly by direct debti to get in front. Things are always much better when you don't just leave them until the last minute. Procrastinating is never the better option.
Went to bed early while it was still daylight and watched an episode of "Before we die" on my laptop in bed.