Woke up at about 7:30am and thought I might feel rubbish after day-drinking but I felt fresh as a daisy when I woke up. If anything I was tired but that was it. I had agreed yesterday to help with a little pick on bullcoat lane with Team Hill and as much as I could quite easily have rolled over and gone back to sleep, I knew I would feel much better if I got up and went.
We all met over at Callie's then got armed up with bin bags with a hoop to keep them open and grabbers to pick up the rubbish. We set off down bullcoat lane and ended up doing the whole lane right down to the lights at Saffron restaurant. It was really therapeutic seeing the difference we'd made on the lane and how many bags we had collected. I think the total count was 22 bin bags. It's just sad too thought that there is that much rubbish just thrown or dropped on the street. There was also a lady who joined us called Rubish Ruth (here choice of name not mine lol). She has used her bus pass to go up and down the country. collecting rubbish and talking to people about it. So commendable for somebody to dedicate all their time to cleaning up the UK.
It does make you wonder what people think to just drop rubbish on the streets, whether they live in the area or not. If they do it here they probably do it where they live too. I was So annoyed that on our walk back up the hill I found a freshly dropped riped up hotel room key slip from someone called Dionne (I do have their surname and would love to name and shame). How could some drive past people picking up litter and then drop more little on the very street they are tidying up? Disgusting!!