Had a lovely day out seeing two customers, one in Bolton and the other in Kirkham. The morning one was in Last Drop Gallery which is such a lovely setting. Nest stop was Serendipity House to see my friend Heidi who bought us both lunch. She has just won Best Retailer for the Northwest, but sadly hasn't received her trophy yet so had to get a picture without it, but I said I will photoshop it in when she gets it lol.
It was a lovely day and luckily Mum had Bella so I wasn't worrying about her being warm in the car. Headed straight to a taste testing for oat milk and just got there in time. Quick change when I got home and then headed up to meet Andy and Becky and go over to Denshaw to the Ban Contest.
It was a really good afternoon and nice to catch up with Andy & Becky and Mike & Adele. Once it started going dark at about 10:30pm I decided to call it a night. As much as I enjoyed it once you've heard 700 brass bands playing songs you don't really know, you've heard them all lol. There was only one band that played a modern song you could join in with. I think they need to step it up into the modern era a bit for next year. There was one band everyone seemed to mention by name called "The Chav Band" but I didn't get to see them.

We launched a giveaway in the Tavern in conjunction with Easy Fundraising where two taverners can win a £50 shopping voucher just by signing up for FREE. Then if they shop online with the app the brands will donate to the tavern. If you are reading this and want to be in the draw (and help us raise funds, just click HERE.
Thanks in advance.