Well so much for the weather app forecasting rain today! Woke up with the sun streaming through the window and it was absolutely glorious. Had a nice breakfast of egg on toast and a coffee and then sat in Rachels back garden with the boys, in the sun.
If I had thought on I could have taken my yoga mat outside into the garden and literally done sun salutations in the sun :-) Let's see what the weather is like tomorrow and I might get up early before the neighbours are up and do my yoga in the garden. It will be the first time I have done it outside so will be good to feel the breeze while I'm doing the various poses.
We were literally in the garden for 30 minutes, after I had gotten out the cushion for the ratan furniture and then it started raining! By the time I had put everything away and corralled the dogs indoors, the sun had come back out GGRRRR.
It literally went from that lovely pic above where I was sat out thinking I might need sun cream to this, in an hour where I'd have needed a brolly and raincoat >>
I did another blog from my list of people that have been most influential in my life to date. I thought it would be quite appropriate to do Rachel since I am staying at her house dog sitting at the moment. You can read the post dedicated to Rachel HERE

Had steak, crushed potatoes and green beans for dinner and it was perfect (if I say do myself lol). I know it probably looks dry but it really wasn't as I had buttered the potatoes and the steak had garlic butter at the last minute to finish it off.
I looked into flights to Bali with Layla and managed to find the times we wanted that included baggage but when I went to book them on my credit card, there was an issue and it seemed like the card had been blocked. So we have stalled on our first attempt at getting everything booked, but I am confident we will get it sorted this weekend. I said as it was 10pm I would give them a call in the morning and see if there is a problem. They might think it unusual activity because I was booking two flights with two different companies.
Nobody seems to have heard from Kirsty still so mum is now fretting and trying to get hold of her friends. :-/ If it was anybody normal you wouldn't worry but she gets herself in some right situations when she's had a drink and you just never know what drama she is gonna be involved in. Let's hope she just rocks up like nothing is wrong, which so often happens. It wouldn't be so bad if answered her phone and you knew where she was. :-/