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Writer's pictureNeil Greenwood

Back after a Break

Haven't posted in just under two weeks as I started to feel like I had created and extra unnecessary pressure for myself having to blog every day even when there wasn't, particularly anything to write about. So I have decided I will just blog when the mood takes me so I am not adding more stuff to my To Do Lists. I like the whole journalling thing as a way of processing the day but on a day when I have been working from home and not been anywhere there isn't really much to report on, so definitely not an interesting read.

So to sum up the past two weeks, been on a bit of a low recently and not really sure why. I don't think not really having a proper summer has helped. It's done nothing but rain the past two weeks with the exception of the odd half a day of sun.

Paula came over from Dublin for a visit and stayed at mine for the night, so we went out with Hayley with the intention of going to watch an act. Unfortunately, Andy Lee had just done his last song by the time we got to Stalybridge. We then drove over to Lees as we'd been told the Harper brothers were on, but just as we arrived they were packing up. Typical lol.

Did my 4th donation of blood at Queen Elizabeth Hall, which was successful this time and they managed to find a vein. I have already booked in donation number 5 at the earliest date they had, so I can keep it up. Saw my husband-to-be whilst I was donating, he doesn't know it yet but it's meant to be lol.

Went out for my cousin Mason's 18th at the Indian Ocean with some family and friends. The meal was really nice and I would defo go back there again. It's not that far either so drove and stayed until about 9pm so still managed an early-ish night.

Did a taste testing for Innocent smoothies with Julie and then made lunch for me, Julie and Lynn at mine, after dropping off Tom's birthday card. It was nice catching up with them both. Also borrowed another book from Julie for when I finish my current one, which I am really enjoying. I couldn't get into the one Kath lent me called 'The Choice', it was too disjointed and didn't know where it was going and I was halfway through. so rather than let it stop my reading flow I decided to make 'The Choice' give up on it and start another.

Went to Archery with Danni, for another of my Bucky activities. It was raining when I woke up and I was half ready to call it off but I'm glad I didn't. It ended up being really good and let's face it what else would I have been doing on a wet Sunday afternoon?

I do think Buckt is a great way of trying new things and getting you out of the house and so far everything I have tried I have really enjoyed once I have got there. Straight after Archery, I went over to see Lex and Fi cos Alexa was making chicken and leak pie. It was really nice and good to see them both as we don't get together too often. Although I speak to Fi most nights when we play PS4, which is also a good way to keep in touch.

That brings us up to present day. Today is Monday and I drove all the way to Ulverstons (2 hours away) in the pouring rain and got drenched. Only for the customer to say could I leave brochures with her so she would have a look through? I could have bloody posted them out and saved myself £40 of petrol and a 4 hours round trip! GGGGRRRR. But then to offset it I got an email order from Stringers so kinda put the Yin into the Yang ;-)

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