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Atlanta Day 4 - South Carolina - Day 1

Woke up at 6am and jumped in the shower then used all my Korean Skincare for the first time since leaving the UK. Grabbed a coffee and then checked out and then got a cab to the airport.

Check in was really straight forward, just printed your luggage tag, stuck in through your handle and then went to bag drop and handed over your case with a quick for of your boarding pass. Straight through security with my hand baggage which again was painless and then through passport control.

Then it was time to relax and grab some lunch. I had a toasted bagel with cream cheese, capers and smoked salmon with a coffee and cinnamon swirl.

The flight was a small plane with two seats either side of the aisle and we were up and down in 38 minutes. As soon as I came off the plane I was greeted by the smiling faces of Aunty Joan, Lesley and Sandy waiting for me to arrive.

Short walk to the car and then we went to Lesley & Sandy's house. I had a quick tour of the house and was shown my room, I had a floor to myself complete with my own bathroom. My floor was probably twice the size of my upstairs.

The house was a lovely detached house with pool and trees all around so it was completely private. Pic on the left is Lesley & Sandy's and the one on the right is their nearest neighbour across the street. The middle is the pool in the backyard with trees all around. So quiet and peaceful no sound of cars or anything.

After a quick catch up Lesley made a lovely roasted pork dinner with vegetables and potatoes. She made a rub for the meat and it was so tasty and moist and also very lean with was perfect for me as I hate fat.

Straight after dinner, we swam in the pool. This is the kind of life I want to have, being able to swim when you want and enjoy the hot weather.

After a swim I headed up to bed as I was still really tired from catching up on my sleep. I have already felt so welcome here and family seems so much closer than we are at home with our extended family.

Good Night.

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