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Around the World Trip - Day 89 - 31st March 2009 – Uruguay

Woke up at the usual 6am and had breakfast as normal then Ismael went off to work. He was at evening classes until 10pm again so it was another day of amusing myself. It’s actually easier when you’re in a hostel as you can get talking to people and see if they wanna do stuff with you but when you’re in a hotel you just kinda go up to your room and see nobody. Might have been better to maybe of booked a hostel but paid for a twin room or something. Oh well lesson learnt I guess.

The weather was pretty good so I went up to the roof terrace for a sunbathe from 8:30am until 10:30am as I would get told off if I stayed out in the sun after 11am hahaha. He’s only looking out for me I guess. The terrace is not great for sunbathing as it has on one side the wall of the rest of the hotel where the sun goes down behind in the afternoon (not that I have been up there in the pm honest lol). Then the other three sides have glass walls but with metal poles in between wach piece of glass that cast a shadow over you (not good for the tan lol).

After catching a few rays I did an hour in the gym with mi ipod on, but it’s a bit boring as they have about 3 machines and that’s it. It’s hard to stay motivated when your just in a small roof top gym room thing on yer jack jones. Did a bit of sightseeing on my own.

Went for dinner when Ismael got back at about 11:30pm. I still can’t used to eating dinner so late but the places were packed and they didn’t seem to be closing any time soon either. Instead of ordering something big though this time we had Gramajo between us. It was a big plate of thin French fries mixed with pieces of chicken, mushrooms, onions and all mixed with a kind of garlic cream sauce. It was just enough to be filling without feeling stuffed afterwards.

Got to bed about 1am.

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