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Around the World Trip - Day 88 - 30th March 2009 – Uruguay

Ismael was at work again all day and then at classes till 10pm so I had to amuse myself in Montevideo alone. Got up at 6am and had breakfast at about 7am then Ismael headed off to work at about 8am.

I went to the room for a while to catch up on emails and my blog. Thought I may as well take advantage of the free wi-fi while I have it. At about lunch time I slapped a load of sun cream on and went for a walk along the beach to the furthest point. Took a few photo’s and then got myself a tortilla with ali oli from the garage and a bottle of water. Sat in the sun on the grass and ate my lunch which felt great being able to just sit on the beach in the sun with the breeze so it wasn’t too hot (jealous yet? Lol).

Oh I now have some of the names lol:-

Happy – Jhon Dalton

Hat – Rodrigo Diaz

Mobile Shorts – Mauricio Romo

Mr Red Face – Guillermo Bentura

Mrs Red Face – Lucia Sosa Azapian

Pink Top – Garine Guerguerian

No wonder I couldn’t remember the bloody names lol. Anyway I’ve added them to facebook so I can keep in touch and hopefully practice my Spanish if I ever get any good at it.

By the time Ismael got back from his night class it was about 10:45pm. After he’d got changed it was time to go out for dinner ! Yes Dinner at that bloody time. I was already in my PJ’s ready for bed lol. He explained that in Uruguay they have 4 meals a day, they have something light around 5/6pm and then go for dinner anytime from 9/10pm onwards. We went to the restaurant up the road as the one around the corner from the hotel was full and it was raining so we just went in the first one with space outside. Ismael said it was expensive as it was £5 for most of the main dishes, but I didn’t fancy walking about in the rain. I wanted to try something that was typical Uruguay so Ismael ordered Chivito for us both. I had seen someone eating it in Chile but had already eaten so didn’t try it. Basically it’s a large plate with chips on the bottom, meats over the top, salad , salsa and fried eggs on top of that. It’s usually all mixed in together but this one was all separate and a bit posh which kinda killed the whole point of the dish. No wonder it was more expensive than the other places as it took them 20 minutes longer just to put everything nice and posh on the long thing rectangle plate.

I couldn’t finish mine as there was loads and it was 1am by the time we left the restaurant. I don’t know how people can eat so late and so much on a week night when they have to get up for work the next day. I won’t be doing that again that’s for sure.



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