Woke up at about 9am and went down to the restaurant for breakfast. It was your typical continental breakfast so, bread rolls, ham, cheese, fruit, yogurt etc (help yourself stylee, so I did). 4000 calories later and we went to get changed and went to meet some of Ismael’s friend on “The Rambles”, which is basically just the name for the long stretch along the beach.
We parked ourselves in the shade of a large tree as Ismael insists it’s bad to go in the sun between the hours of 1pm and 5pm, especially as I am not olive skinned lol. I keep trying to explain that I have been out of the country for 4 months and if I go back without a tan I will get ribbed but he’s having none of it lol.
First to arrive was “Pink Top” (you will have to excuse the lack of names but they were all very complicated and I find it hard enough to take in names at home never mind foreign ones). She was really nice and we had a conversation (via Ismael) as she wanted to know all the places I had been to so far.

Then “Mobile Shorts” arrived (he was wearing shorts and always on his mobile) and could say a few words in Spanish but only enough to ask a few questions. Seen here not on his phone but that was short lived lol.
Then “red face” and “mrs red face” came (she didn’t have a red face btw but he had sun burn from the day before”. Mrs R F probably spoke the most English out of all of them.
Last to arrive was “Hat n Happy” who were a couple and looked about 17 but I later found out they were both 21. I probably got on with Hat n Happy the most because even though they didn’t speak any English they still made the most effort to try to include me by using the universal hand gestures.
Pink top left after a while and so did mobile shorts, which made it a little easier for me to follow conversations as there weren’t as many people talking. Ismael tried to translate stuff but it was hard for him to keep in the conversation and explain everything to me at the same time. It started to feel a bit odd after a while as I was just kinda watching everyone talking with no idea what was going on. I heard H n H say (and I understood it myself) that they felt bad cos I couldn’t understand anything. I think they were the only two that were conscious of it as the girls just kinda rambled on and can talk ten to the dozen for hours.
We stayed in the shade/sun (if I could manage to stay put when the shade moved without Ismael noticing) for a few hours and then someone suggested taking me to the theme park. I nipped back to the hotel to get some jeans on as it was getting late and a bit nippy then we walked over towards the park. By the time we got there the sun was going down and I got a few nice pics of the sunset. Mr & Mrs red face went went there own way once we got to the them park as they needed to get home so it was just Ismael me and H n H. I got on really well with them two as they seemed really funny and they found me hilarious (which always wins anyone brownie points in my book lol). We went on the “roller coaster” which was kinda like that really small and naff mad mouse ride at Blackpool. It wasn’t big but it could sure keep a few insurance companies in whiplash claims, as it snapped round corners like a rabid chewowa (if that’s how you spell it).
After the roller coaster we went on the pirate ship thing and swapped cameras so we could take pictures of each other on the ride. Then H n H gave us both another ride ticket and we all went on the dodgems. It was a laugh being like a big kid on the fair. After the rides we had a donut type thing (might be called a chur?) with some kind of evaporated milk in it which was really sweet (but nice), then headed back to the hotel as it was getting late.
Watched a bit of TV and then hit the sack.
Can you tell I’m playing catch up with my blog as it’s all boring lol.