Woke up at about 6:30am as some of the people in our dorm were already milling around to get ready for Fraser Island. I threw on the first things I could lay my hands on then waited at reception for our bus.

When it arrived it was a massive 4x4 40 seat bus, the first one had already collected those who were doing the 2 night trip so when ours came there was only 4 of us to get on it lol. It seemed like a bit of overkill for 4 of us but the driver explained we would be swapping to a jeep to make it a more personal guided tour.

We drove for a while to islands point where we drove onto the beach and onto a kind a flat carrier thing that could fit two buses on. The crossing to Fraser Island was only about 5 minutes if that. You could see the island from where we were as it was quite clear, even though it had forecast rain.
Got to the other side and then made our way along the beach and to a resort for morning tea where we swapped vehicles to a jeep. After morning tea we continued along the beach to an old shipwreck that was half buried in the sand and half visible. It was covered in barnacles and rusted away so we got a fee pictures before the big coach loads caught us up. There were things annoying March Flies on the beach that were really big and they land on you then try to bite you. You have time to swat them off usually before they bite as they take their time. Our driver Mark had been waiting by the jeep and had a fly swat with him. Every time they landed on the jeep he got them and by the time we got back he had about 50 dead ones around him lol.
Carried on further up the beach to a freshwater stream that led out to the sea. We paddled through it for about 20 minutes from one end out to the sea then it was time to move on and have lunch. I wasn’t very hungry so just had soup and a roll and a few glasses of water. Sam had a few bits and bobs but then said she had a dodgy stomach (I think that’s code for having the squits lol).
We continued our drive over to Lake McKenzie, which is in the middle of the island and is fresh water. The sand all around the lake was bright white and the lake was a really clear blue. It seemed weird though as it was like being on a beach but the water wasn’t salty. I had a drink to say I’d tried it and it was just like cold tap water.
After lake McKenzie we had a 30-minute walk through the rainforest. The island is beautiful and is just all sand, yet lots of vegetation still manages to survive there. Apparently, it’s the only place where a rainforest lives in the sand.
We headed back home at about 4pm and by the time we dropped of our two other passengers (Peter and Vicky) it was about 5pm. We all tipped the driver $10 each as he’d been really good with us all day.
Had a bit of a chill out in the dorm for a bit then went and got dinner. I had lasagne with wedges and Sam had a Mexican burger that she needed a step ladder to get to grips with it. Went back to the hostel for an early night as we are back on the road again tomorrow.