Woke up with a nice lump on the side of my nose and near my eye. It doesn’t look like a mosquito bite but its defo a bite of some kind.
Harry got me to help with some lifting jobs and moving heavy stuff about the place. I then carried on spreading gravel along on of the main drives so they could get the car down at least. He said he wanted to give me a couple of days off before I left for all my hard work. Normally I would be flattered but it doesn’t feel like a compliment when in the same breath he moans about the girls. It then makes me feel bad as I know they work hard but he doesn’t seem to see it. I think it’s probably because they don’t get along with Saskia so he feels like he needs to makes things hard for them, to be honest I don’t know what its all about.
When we were ready to finish for lunch it started raining but not too heavy “it was that right fine rain that soaks yer through” lol. Leti and me had both finished but Flo was still doing some stuff in the rain. Harry told us both to sit down and get a coffee but I started to put my shoes back on. He said “where are you going it’s raining?” so I replied “Yes but I work as a team and Flo is still working so if she hasn’t finished than none of us have really”. I ran out to find Flo and we finished taking her weeds to Oskar the pig then went to get lunch. He would of quite easily just let Flo carry on and it annoys me cos he picks on her.
During lunch it started pouring down in buckets which is good for the plants I guess but it never just rains a little its always heaps. There is a cyclone on its way past so we might get a lot of rain but with a bit of luck it will go in a different direction and miss us altogether, we shall see.
Went to the town to use the internet after we’d finished. Letti invited Saskia but I could tell she didn’t want to as last time she never even bothered to say thank you. She didn’t speak a word on the way there and back and when we returned I made a point of saying “thanks for the lift into town” while we were all there. Saskia just walked into the house without a word.
When I went into my caravan there was something on the small table under the skylight. It looked like a bit of lace or something until I got closer and realised it was a snakes skin that had been shed. I was dreading that a) it was still in my caravan or b) it had been in during the night while I was asleep. I had a quick look around and couldn’t see it anywhere so it must of gone. Maybe that’s what bit my face lol.
We have been on Cyclone warning all day today as there was a possibility if could have been heading this way but as I type this it’s raining a little but nothing major so maybe it will pass us by or change direction. We shall see what the morning brings.