Up at 6am and went to the house for breakfast. Shortly after about 6:15 the girls joined us. Harry explained that I would take one of them and water all the animals and Sass would take the other and feed all the animals. I took Lettie with me as she seemed like the more chatty one and spoke more English. I thought Sass would be better with flo as she didn’t speak as much English so would probably talk quite slow so they might end up communicating okay. Flo is quite a small, thin girl who looks quite boyish and is from France, while Lettie is a bit beefier and is from Belgium, I found out over breakfast they they only met through a travel website and met up on their trip and bought a car between them when they got to Oz.
After all the animals were fed the delivery of two lorry loads of gravel arrived to start re-graveling the driveways. We started to spread out the first load along the shortest drive. It seemed to take forever, filling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow to move it to another part of the drive then raking it out flat. Saskia conveniently went to wash pans partway through the job (she aint as green as she’s cabbage looking that’s for sure). She was gone a good while too so I bet you could see your face in them pans. I’m sure I would rather be doing that too than breaking my back on the drive.
It soon approached 11:30am and Harry said for Sass to show one of the girls feeding the baby roos and then I would show….”oh wait you're not here tmrw are you Neil so it doesn’t matter”. Fook that I thought, she’s not getting off lightly again while I carry on with the graft, “it’s okay then Harry I will show one girl today and Sass can show the other tmrw when Im not here” LOL You shoulda seen her face cos she knew I was going doin it without her and she’d have to carry on. Harry came in while I was showing Flo and said that Sass has gone all panicked saying “he might not use the right bottle for the right baby’s”. It aint fooking rocket science love, if I’m not sure I will ask. Think she’s still a bit territorial but she needs to learn that it’s not just her now there are gonna be more volunteers coming week by week, SO DEAL WITH IT !
After all the baby’s were fed it was time for lunch and Harry wheeled out a big bag of these massive German sausage and loads of bread and sauces. I could only manage one and the girls too so I think we will be getting them later in the week for something lol.
After lunch it looked like we had finished the hard graft as Harry said we could help in the kitchen as Saskia was going to make apple strudel as she’d been threatening to make it all week. We acted as kitchen helpers while she did the mixing etc and she seemed to lighten up a bit when we were in the kitchen (she’s hard work most the time). While we were peeling apples and stuff the people came to collect the cows (at last) so we at least had one less job to do each morning now. A guy called too with a baby red Kangaroo that he’d found in the pouch of a Kangaroo that was by the side of the road and had been hit by a car and killed. That’s another to add to the feeding rota which makes 6 baby’s to feed now 4 times a day.
Harry came back and seemed surprised we were still in the kitchen and hadn’t gone into town so we disappeared to Ravenshoe for an hour to use the internet. Updated my facebook and my blog then sent a text to mi mum so she wouldn’t be worrying (as there is no signal where we are). Apparently, Ravenshoe is the highest town in Queensland, that’s why you catch the sun so quick too. While we were there I bought some cans of coke and a box of red wine between the girls and me. It’s bloody Saturday night and I need to at least have a tipple to unwind after dinner.
Dinner was chicken with rice and toms n peppers salad. Harry had oven roasted the peppers earlier in the day. We then had Saskia’s apple struddle with milk ! Yes milk??? I woulda thought cream but milk seemed to be the accompaniment of the day so hey ho.
Watched telly in TV caravan until 9pm then hit the sack as I have to be up at 5am tmrw to leave at 6am for the market in Yungaburra. In my wisdom I had said I would go and man the stall with Warwick and try and get some donations.