Slept almost right through until about 5am when all the kookaburra’s started making a racket so lay awake for about 45 minutes then thought I might as well get up.
Got washed and dressed then went into the main house for breakfast. Saskia wasn’t up yet but came in about 10 minutes later. Karin told me that a snake had gotten into the small parrot enclosure in the night and eaten one of the smaller ones. Harry had heard some noise and went out to look and all the birds were clinging to one side of the cage so he knew something was wrong. The snake, a small python, was on the floor with a big lump in it’s stomach (or part way down it’s length). He caught the snake and put it into the snake cage with the other pythons until he had time to release it somewhere.
We had toast and coffee for breakfast and then set about doing the morning feed for the animals. I felt obliged to follow Saskia round and letting her give me directions but really I coulda just done it myself as it’s quite straightforward. All the animals basically just need food and water, simple as. I could probably improve the process a bit as there is a lot of standing around waiting for water buckets to fill up from the tap, which I would just have filling up while I was on my way round and leave them all full after the feed ready for the next day. With a bit of luck though I will be able to get a few more interesting jobs and leave that kinda thing to Saskia.
Two Belgium girls had also rang last night and asked if they could come up as they are in Oz and have a car, so Harry is expecting them around lunch time.
After the feeding I was given the job of strimming all the edges around the bird island as the lawn mower can’t get up to the edge and he doesn’t want to give Saskia any dangerous tools or anything. Finished that and then he wanted me to try and get the Orchard done around the rows of plants and get the main area a bit shorter as it was too long to mow. Once it was shorter then Saskia could go over it with the mower.
Got about one bed done and went for “smoko” which is what Harry calls the 10am break (even though it was about 10:30am but the time I realised). Had a coffee and some water and then Karin asked if I wanted to help Saskia with the 11:30am feed of the 4 baby roo’s (of course I did). Same routine as yesterday and this time I knew what I was doing so just got on with it. I think Saskia feels a bit funny as she’s been the only one here for 5 weeks and now suddenly she has to share things etc. I can understand that and will tred gently for a while but soon I might have to just get on with things and not worry about checking with her as she’s 16 at the end of the day and I can probably do things in a quicker or better way in most instances.
After the roo’s were fed it was lunch time and we had the rest of the pasta dish from last night warmed up, as well as more of the beef and onion marinate, and some ham and cheese sandwiches. It hasn’t took long to work out that what doesn’t get eaten one day rolls over to the next meal until it’s gone lol.
The Belgium girls aren’t going to be here today as there’s been some problem with transport, not sure what. We shall see if they come tomorrow I guess. After lunch I was going to carry on with the strimming but Harry said it was too hot and told us to go and have some fun or relax. So I came to my caravan to read my book.

Before dinner I went to move the strimmer out of the orchard so it wasn’t outside in case it rained. While I was in there I felt something round my legs (don’t panic) and looked down and there was a really small wallaby at my feet. It was SO small and not much fur so I knew it shouldn’t really be wandering around on its own as they stay in the mothers pouch for at least 6 months. I bent down to pick it up and it was hugging my leg like a small child, aaawww. I scooped it up and lifted my T-shirt up to cradle it in my arms like a pouch. He was gripping on to me and trying to find my nipple bless him. I took him to Harry he said that one of the mothers must have left him, so we went to try and find her. Eventually we found Sky one of the female pretty faced wallaby’s with an empty pouch. Karin tried to get her to let it in the pouch but she didn’t want to know and was off flirting with one of the bigger males. So we had to put him inside one of the make-shift pouches with another wallaby so he could be fed with the rest of them.
Had fillet steak for dinner and it was huge and really tender, with rice and asparagus, followed by cream cakes. After dinner and of course neighbours lol, I decided to go to the TV caravan rather than straight to bed. I’m not really into going to bed so soon after eating and besides which Harry and Karin don’t actually go to bed just into their caravan and you can hear the TV for a while. Also Harry said he loves watching Criminal minds which is on at 8.30pm for an hour so I know that even if I watch that I’m still not in bed later than them. Watched it and then went to bed.