Spent most of the day in bed as the weather was shit and I was knackered. Woke up at about 2pm and went to the shop for some lunch/breakfast, then lay in bed relaxing as the weather was really over cast so the beach wasn’t really an option.
Got up at about 9pm and tried getting online to upload the photos from last night but the net was down all night so just caught up on couple of days journal. I finally gave up on the whole internet thing as when its down it tends not to work all day so I will try again tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be better as I really want to go the beach again so I can try and get some bloody colour before I go home. My mates will be saying “Jesus you’ve been gone 4 months and your not even brown” (they don’t always call me Jesus) LOL. Oh well I might not be brown but I got a whole heap of memories and experiences to draw on.
At about 10pm I decided to crack open the red wine and coke as it’s alwas a conversation starter and you can make mates easily with the offer of a drink ;-) method in my madness see.
Go chatting to a guy from San Francisco and we stayed up chatting until about 2:30am then I decided to go to bed as I wanted to be up early for the beach.