Went to see my Wifey's as not spent time with them in ages with the exception of Alton Towers. I let myself in as I have a key and they said I would be there before they got home. Jake was home as he'd had a doctor's appointment and scared me half to death coming down the stairs as I went in lol.
I prepped everything so it just need throwing in the over when I knew they were due home. Alexa got home first as she had been to pick up a prescription from the docs. She had market research at 6pm so by the time Fi got home everything was prepped and in the oven on low. The menu was:-
French bread and Tzatziki
Chorizo in red wine
Garlic Prawns
Tortilla and Oili Oili
Chicken with lemon &"thyme and white wine
Italian meat selection
Alexa brought home some coffee and walnut cake for dessert (it's not a meal without something sweet afterward).
The food went down well and it was nice to catch up with the girls. By the time we'd eaten and had a chill in the lounge, it was time to head off home. I miss us living together and as it was dark quite early it reminded me of the nights we would just come home from work, all get in our comfy PJ's, shut the blinds, and chill out watch TV on the sofa together.

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