Woke up in plenty of time to have breakfast and thought I would try the perfect poached egg method I had seen on Tiktok. You crack the egg into a fine strainer first so you get rid of the watery stuff, bring the water to the boil, quick stir, drop in the egg. Cook for 2 mins then see if the white is cooked enough and if not cook for a further 30 seconds. I would probably reduce it by 15 seconds as I do like a nice runny yoke.
Just had the one appointment local today which was nice for a change not having to drive miles there and back. Also got a message from a buyer I used to deal with for one of my big accounts. She has now gone self-employed and one of her new customers is a shop that is in my area and has just been sold. It worked out perfectly because the old buyer used to always order direct. She has placed two orders already and is only just starting with them so this could end up being a much better account for me.
When I got home I had received a few parcels. two from Caroline Gardner which were a bottle of Clean Co Alcohol Free Gin and also a cocktail recipe book. The other was my delivery of 3 bottles of Three Spirit, which are alcohol alternatives that give you a bit of a buzz. I thought I would give them a try when we go camping at the weekend. I'll give you the verdict when I have tried them and will do a proper review.
I messaged both companies to see if they would be interested in collaborating with The Virtual Tavern with a giveaway or something. Three Spirit got back to me and offered to do something potential for Stoptober.
It rained most of the day so didn't do much really except watch Bell bloody constantly scratching herself. Hopefully this will ease off once the meds get back in her system (fingers crossed).