Woke up nice and early and had a light breakfast of sliced boiled egg and tomatoes on toast (chef Kirsty's dish). We then drove about an hour to Hindhead in Surrey to an area that Layla knows called The Devil's Punch Bowl. The whole theme for the trip was to see a lot of different places of natural beauty and do a lot of walking. Our friend Viv wanted to join us on some of the days until we mentioned the word Hike and then she suddenly had stuff to do lol. I did tell her right at the start though that it's not really a 'going out in London' kind of visit as we can do that any time of year but we can't really sightsee in the bad weather.
We did a walk around the 'punch bowl' with Jupiter and it was pretty quiet as far as other people are concerned so we could let her off the lead to run around. There were some great views and really tall trees. I love taking pictures of views when I'm out and about. They don't always make exciting photos thought but I like them. From start to finish the trek was about an hour and then once we got back to the car park we had our lunch on one of the picnic tables.

Took quite a few nice pics of us and gave them a little 'tweak' cos the sky wasn't great on some of the pics, even though it was hot all day.
Layla kept catching those fluffy things that fly off from dandelions, can't remember what you call them but you are meant make a wish and then blow it away. I added a little sparkle to it to give it a more magical feel.
Layla loves nature so I added some butterflies to her pic :)
After the picnic, we headed home and it was pretty late by the time we got back and showered etc. give it a try.

We grabbed some stuff from the supermarket and then Kirsty rustled up some amazing buffalo wings with coriander, chilli, and spring onions on and a squeezer of lime. I've never thought to but lime juice on chicken wings but it really elevates them to the next level, trust me!
After supper, we hit the sack as we were all goosed and are doing another Hike up to the Cliffs in Seaford.

Jupiter was goosed when we got back bless her.