Well, I actually missed posting this on the last day of the month, because it hasn't even been on my mind. I feel like I have broken the back of this challenge and it's no longer something I have to think about and alcohol is just no longer part of my life.
I even went on The Tavern on Tour to Benidorm and was surrounded by people partying and drinking and it never bothered me, The main thing I found a pain was finding something interesting to drink that wasn't packed with sugar. I was expecting it to be a trip where I got grief for not drinking but in all honesty, nobody said a word. Even my family who live out there and have alcohol as a big part of their social life, didn't question that I wasn't drinking or put pressure on me, which is usually the case. I saw an instagram post from Spencer who has created he Clean Co. brand and he said that alcohol is probably the only drug that people almost discourage you from giving up. If someone said "I've gone clean and not touched heroin for 6 months" people would be saying things like "well done, that's so good I'm proud of you" etc. Yet when you say you are giving up/given up alcohol the more common reaction is 'oh how boring, why are you doing that, you can just have one can't you". It's usually other people that have the issue with it more than the person giving up.

Benidorm was really good and I think we have definitely left one or two stickers around the place with our QR code on for people to join the Tavern. I am going to add a question on the joining request to ask where people found out about The Tavern to see how people heard about us. Hopefully there will be one or two from Benidorm. :-)
So now I have sorted the no alcohol thing, my focus now is health and wellbeing so that I feel better for making such a big change.

Autumn and Winter is always my worst time of year (or should I say has previously been). So I am determined to make that different this year and I have already signed up for an October challenge to raise funds for Mind. I have to do 10,000 steps a day and hopefully get as many sponsors as possible or at least hit the £150 benchmark they ask you to aim for. It will not only help raise money for a great cause but will also make me more aware of how much (or little) activity I do in the colder months. The knock-on effect will also be that I an getting outside more and hopefully improve my mental health as I won't just be sat in as soon as it goes dark. Instead, I will have a reason to get outside in order to hit my steps target as there is no way I would let people down who have sponsored me. Even as I type this I have 1,700 steps still to do before I go to bed so I think it will be another night like last night jogging around the dining room lol.
So if you are reading this and fancy giving me a little boost, please click the link HERE and give me a sponsor. No amount is too small, whatever you can spare as it all mounts up. Winter will be a time that a lot of people will struggle with their mental health so Mind will be in more demand so it would be great to help them raise some funds. THANK YOU| in advance,